Chapter 6

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~Grace POV~

I picked up Mamrie and we drove to the hospital that Hannah was taken to.I parked and we rushed to the ER. 

"Wheres Hannah Hart?" Mamrie asked the lady behind the desk. She asked for the usual stuff like date of birth and gender etc. 

"Shes in surgery. We will keep you posted on whats happening. you both can wait in the waiting room." she said as Mamrie and i walked to the waiting room. 

"Grace whats wrong. Hannah is probably dieing as we're waiting and your there as chill as a cucumber."

"Im still in shock. Mamrie did you know that Hannah liked me?" Mamries face droped than what is was already if thats possible.

"She told you how she felt?"

"Yeah. she kissed me too. she told me a couple minutes before she got into the acciedent." We stood there in absolute silence for what felt like a life time. The doctor came in and out calling the names of the one injured.

"Hannah Hart?" the doctor said. Mamrie jumped up and me following slowly. 

"How is she? Is ok? Whats wrong?" Mamrie was just blurting out questions left and right.

"She is stable right now she is a sleep. Ms. Hart was critically injured. She was drinking an driving. She was hit by a truck from the side of her car so the impact was bad. She has 2 broken ribs, a mild concusion and broke her left leg. She was also impaled by a metal pole through her chest. Would you like to see her?"

"Of course." Mamrie said softly almost like a whisper. We walked to the room Hannah was held in. As i walked in i was heart broken seeing one of my best friends hooked up to so many things in the room. And it was all my fault. I sat next to her staring at her with a blank expression while Mamrie sobs in the other chair. Hannahs body starts to twitch alittle then i realise shes waking up. 

Hannahs eyes opened up and looked around the room and saw Mamerie first and turned her head to find me sitting on the other side of the bed. she looked away immedietly and winced in pain. I got up to get a nurse.

~Hannah POV~

I wake up to see Mamrie sitting next to me crying into her hands and then i turn my head to find the one person i dint want to be around especially right now. Grace. i turn my head and shifted my body a little and a huge amount of pain came into my body. Grace got up to get a nurse i guess. 

"Mamrie." her head shot up. 

"HANNAH YOUR OKAY!!" she said smiling while still crying. she gave me a hug but i winced in pain. 

"sorry." she said 

"its ok dude"

"I heard from helbig what you did." 

"dont remind me." 

"Tell me everything that happened later." i give her a small nod when the door opens revealing a nurse and Grace. The nurse tells e whats wrong all the regualr stuff tha they do. She said that i would have to be in the hospital for a couple of weeks until my chest heals. Then i will have to be staying with someone so they can take care of me until i am healed enough where i can be on my own.

"She can stay with me." Grace says when the nurse is done.

"NO!" i say a little louder than expected. Mamrie catches on the bad idea of me being with Grace and Chester.

"Hannah will stay with me." the nurse nods and heads out. I was talking to Mamrie when i was slowly drifting to sleep. Mamrie said to rest and she left with Grace.

~Grace POV~

"Grace whats going on?" Mamrie asks while we go back to my car.


"You know that thats not true. now tell me."

"I just feel confused." 

"About what, why Hannah said no when you volunteered to take care of her?"

"That and my feelings torwards Hannah." 

"One thing i do know is that Hannah is already in enough pain. And seeing you and Chester together wont make her feel any better. But for how you feel about Hannah thats all on you to find out."

"Okay thanks Mamrie." I play that kiss that Hannah and i had for a split second over and over agian in my head. Did i like her back? i drove Mamrie back to her house and then went back home to Chester.

"Im home." i yelled when i closed the door behind me setting my things down. 

"Hey baby." Chester said pulling me into a kiss. Hannah was the only thing i have on my mind. Im not gay. Im. Straight. I have a lovely home and an amazing fiance what else would i need.


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