Chapter 7

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~Mamrie's POV~

Its been 3 months since Hannahs car accident. In a couple of days she can go back to her house without supervision. I have been taking care of her for the past 3 months. She stayed at my house and she is not taking the whole Grace is getting married thing good. She crys herself to sleep every night. Im really worried about her everyday she gets up later and later in the day with droopy eyes. She doesnt even smile anymore.

The only good thing that comes out of the accident is that Hannah stoped drinking cause of her pain medication. She can walk but only with crutches. Which are seless because she only gets up to use the bathroom, and eat. Grace hasnt been over to see hows Hannah doing shes been texting me and asking if shes fine i say yes. Even though its half a lie.

"Hannah!! Foods here!!" i yell from the kitchen unpacking the Chinese food i ordered for us. I hear the crutches getting closer. She sits at the table and starts to eat. She hasnt spoken in a while.

"Whats wrong Hannah?" genuienly concerend for my friend. She just looks at her food.

"Talk to me Hannah please." i beg her.

"My world is gone Mamrie theres no point in actually living my life anymore." She is not being serious is she?

"Hannah what are you talking about?" starting to feel tear building in my eyes.

"The love of my life is getting married to someone else. Shes probably going to have children and live together all happily. I cant find love anymore. Shes the only one i wanted to love and now shes gone. She probably hates me now because i kissed her."

"Hannah you cant say that. Shes your best friend-"

"Was my best friend. She hasnt spoken to me in like 4 months its pretty clear that she doesnt want anything to do with me." She says on the verge of tears that her voice cracked at the end. She gets up and starts to move to her room.

Grace what the hell? i need to text her and see what the hell is going on with her.

Mamrie- Grace meet me at starbucks near the park. NOW we need to talk.

I wait for a response before heading out. its been a minute until i finally got a response

Grace- Ok? ill be there in 5

As i read that i headed torward the door

"Hannah im going out for a little." i yell i get no response so i leave knowing she is probably crying. And i cant say anything to comfort her. I made it to starbucks a minute before Grace does. i sit there waiting for Grace to come in with a cup of coffe i my hand.

"Hey!" she says runnign up to me and hugging me.

"Hey!" i say hugging her.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" she asks sitting down across from me.

"Grace you havent talked or seen Hannah ever since....that day." her face drops a little.

"Uhh..i didnt know if she wanted to talk to me." she says staring at the table.

"Grace at least you could have stopped by to see how she was."

"i know im just still confused."

"About what Grace?"

"What i like. I dont know"

"Grace are you questioning your sexuality?"

"I guess.Its just when Hannah kissed me even that small second she did it felt right in a way."

"Wow." i say in shock.

"Yeah but the more i think about it the more i know im bi. And i dont want to be bi or gay i just want to be normal."

"Grace....normals boring. and lets face it your not normal. So whats stopping you from realising that."

"Nothing i guess. How is she?"

"Depends on what your asking for. In the injury catergory shes getting better. Emotionally shes...not doing good."

"This is all my fault."

"No it isnt."

"Yes it is."

"Okay...maybe it is. And by the way she thinks that you want nothing to do with her since you havent spoken or seen her in like 4 months since..the thing."

"Shit..i dont think she really wants to see me right now."

"She might be asleep or something right now. I better go check on her bye Grace."

"Bye ill text you later." she says as i go out to my car and drive back home. When i get back home i settle in and check on Hannah. Shes asleep. I take a picture of her there and send it to Grace.

~Grace POV~

I get a message from Mamrie i open it seeing that its a picture of Hannah sleeping. I smile like a complete fool looking at the picture. Maybe i do like like Hannah but i cant because im getting married in 5 months from now. I feel bad that im causing Hannah pain because i love Hannah as friends and like like her. I just cant talk to her right now maybe be in a couple of days.

~Hannah POV~

Im a worthless piece of shit. I was better off dieing in the car accident than living. Why is this happening to me? But in 2 days im off on my own again and i can drink until i die.

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