Chapter 2

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~Hannah POV~

Im driving to Grace's place because i do want to see her. i miss her. i park my car and see that Mamries  already here. I walk over to her pourch and ring the door bell. God if Chesters here im gonna run out of here. 

~Grace POV~

"Hannah's here!" i yell to Mamrie while running to open the door. 

"Hey Hannah!" i say while going in for a hug. I missed her so much. i havent seen her since i started dating Chester.

"Hey!" she says while huging me. i love her hugs theyre so warm and comforting. We spent all night talking about what we have been up to. i always caught Hannah staring at me do i have something on my face? At around 10pm Chester came home. i ran up to him and gave him a hug while he twirls me around in the air. He kissed me and when i looked at Hannah and Mamrie. Hannah looked away and had a sad face. She got up.

"Well its been a good night but i have to go. thanks for having me." she said like she was about to cry. she started to walk when i grabed her arm and pulled herback

"No dont go. stay please." i say hoping she would stay longer. i really missed hanging out but everytime im with Chester she ends up leaving.

"Grace i really miss talking and hanging out with you but...please i just..i just need to go." she said on the verge of crying. i let go and she walked out the door and drove off leaving me with Mamrie and Chester like its been for the past couple of months now. UGH i wonder shes been acting this way.

"Why did Hannah leave?"Chester asked.

"I dont know. she didnt tell me." i said kinda sad. I saw the Mamrie looked away when i was telling Chester she knows something. Mamrie ended up staying over the night because we got so drunk last night. it was around 11 in the afternon when i woke up. i needed asprin. I wanted to go over to Hannahs today to ask what was wrong yesterday. 

"What you thinking about, baby." Chester said while hugging me from behind.

"Nothing just wanting to stop by Hannahs later." i said turning giving Chester a kiss.

"I dont think thats a good idea Helbig." a sleepy Mamrie came getting water.

"Why not?" is said getting a bit concerned.

" reason." she said chuging down a glass of water. i was confused but i was going to Hannahs later. i headed out around 3 and was driving to Hannahs. i knocked on the door but there was no answer. I grabed the spare key that she leaves on her porch and opened the door. The smell of alchol was strong and her whole house was a disaster and found Hannah on her couch with an empty bottle of Vodka.

Why was she drinking? How many bottles did she drink? What happened? All these questons came running through my head. I got some asprin and a glass of water for when she wakes up. I put a note next to it so she knows i was there. and to text me when she wakes up. I drove back to my house. 

"Hey babe im home." i said puting my keys down and my jacket.

"Hey." Chester came and gave me a kiss."I was wondering if you would want to go out for dinner tonight?" he said with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, sure where?"

"How about the new fancy french place that just opened up?" 

"Sure. Did Mamrie leave already?"

"Yeah she said she needed to go feed Beans." 


~Mamrie POV~

"Nothing just wanting to stop by Hannahs later." I heard while walking into the kitchen. She cant go to Hannahs. Hannahs a mess she cant her house is not clean and it smells like booze.

"I dont think thats a good idea Helbig." I go to get a glass of water to at least help a little of my hangover.

"Why not?" Grace has a concerend look on her face. i cant tell her that its because Hannahs in love with you and you remind her of what she doesnt have and make her go even more crazy than she is right now.

" reason." I chug the glass of water so she dosnt ask anymore questions for me to answer. I was getting my stuff to leave when i hear the door open and close. i look at the window and see Grace leaving. OH GOD this wont end well. 

"Mamrie i was wondering if i cant get your help with something?" Chester came up to me and had something behind his back.

"Yeah Chester what is it?" i say a bit concered for my friend.

"Well can you help me with proposing to Grace?" he pulled his hands from behind him and it was a box with a ring in it. My mouth flung open.

"OH MY GOD CHESTER SHE'LL LOVE IT!" I say then realising the devesttion Hannah will be put in when she hears the news. Hannah needs to get over Grace fast. "When are you planning to propose?"

" I dont know i was thinking of doing it either today or tommorrow or the day after tommorrow. Some day close from today thats for sure."

"Thats great Chester. " I cant tell Hannah she either needs to tell grace or get over. Poor Hannah i cant break her heart even more than it is.

Love is ConfusingOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara