Chapter 8

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~Hannah POV~

I am finally back home. I can walk now with out crutches. Mamrie had just left restocking my fridge with new food items because everything else in there had gone bad. I need alochol. For the past couple of months that ive been staying with Mamrie ive been drinking her alcohol behind her back. I know that i shouldnt have mixed my pain meds with alochol but in away alochol is my pain medication.

It was 8 at night and there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and there she stood.

"Grace? What are you doing here?" i ask like a whisper.

"I wanted to see how you were doing?"

"Now you come and see me after like 4 months?" i say starting to ge angry. i walk inside my house going to get a bottle of whiskey from the kitchen. I stay there taking swings of it when Grace took the bottle away from me. 

"Hannah you need to stop this drinking!"

"Why? its not like you care."

"Thats not true."

"Really because you didnt care about ME ENOUGHT TO TALK TO ME OR SEE ME FOR 4 MONTHS!!" i say getting mad. She stayed silent looking at the ground.

"Thats what i thought. Get out!" I say getting angry and sad.

"Hannah you dont understand I-"

"I SAID GET OU-" Grace kissed me. I was shocked and then started to kiss back. It felt like time stoped. It felt so right but she was still marrying Chester. I pulled back. 

"Hannah i didnt talk to you because i didnt know what to say to you. After you told me you liked me and then got into the accident. i just....I needed time to think."

"And...what now your not going to marry Chester or..." i say getting confused if she dumped Chester for me or still staying with Chester.

"I love Chester, Hannah. And im still going to-"

"Then why did you kiss me? What was the point of coming Grace?"

"Because..i dont know i guess i like you but theres nothing i can do about that anym-"

"Grace get out because you are just fucking with me right now. You kiss me knowing that I LOVE YOU. LOVE. And saying oh im still marrying Chester. Just leave!" I say getting even more pissed off. I grab a 6 pack of beer and run to my room locking it and drowning my sorrows and anger ignoring Grace yelling for me to come out. When i hear Grace's car leave the driveway and turn from my street i unloked my door and went into the kitchen to get my phone that i left on the couch.

I called Mamrie. I told her what happened and now shes on her way over. Mamrie just busted in the door without knocking and came to my side and hugged me. I started to sob. 

"shhhh. its ok Hannah."

"No she keeps on fucking with my emotions. She doesnt talk to me for 4 months and then kisses me then says shes still marrying Chester."

"Do you want me to talk to her?"

"No. But Mamrie i want to tell you something."


"I want to leave LA." Her mouth drop.

"What? why? Where will you go?"

" I dont want to stay here and watch Grace fall deeply in love with Chester and theres nothing in LA for me anymore. Ill still do YouTube and sta connected with you."

"Hannah have you really thought this through?"

"yes i have and i really just want to runnawawy right now. this is the best thing for me right now."

"Ok ill suport your decision.but you have to call everyday." i giggle at her demand.

"of course Mamrie."

"So where do you want to move to?"

"I was thinking New York."

"Ok when are you planning on doing this?"

"2 days from now? i want to leave sooner than later."

"Ok... then we might want to start packing."

"yeah, and thanks Mamrie youre a really good friend."

"i know bitch im fabulous!" i laughed. The rest of the night we packed all of my house. all that was left was my close. We fell asleep at around 5 am and i woke up at 4pm and got on my laptop and searched for a plane ticket to new york tommorrow. Mamrie woke up an hour later and went home. I got everything down got a moving van to move my stuff and plane ticket and an apartment when i get there.

"This is the best thing for me." i say letting put a sigh getting my cloths packed for tommorrow. 

This is the best thing for me. This is the best thing for me. 

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