Chapter 5

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~Grace POV~

It was 9 am and i was tiding up the house for when Hannah comes over in about an hour. I decided not to ask her about the drinking. I was going to tell her about Chesters proposal. But i didnt want to give it away so i was going to take off my ring until i tell her.Chester had a buisness meeting to go to and he wont be back the whole day.

~Hannah POV~

WHAT THE HELL DID I GET MY SELF INTO!? I paced back and forth thinking why did i do that? im such a dumbass. I dont know what hell im going to do now. Im apperently going to go to her house in like half in hour. How could i have been so stupid. ugh guess i have to go i dont want her to think im avoiding her even though i am. I get dressed and bring my laptop and some papers might as well take advantage of the co-working. I brought a bottle of strong whiskey just in case.

I drive up into her driveway. Chesters car isnt here, strange. i took a big gulp of the whiskey and then ploped a mint in my mouth before i got out of the car. I walk onto the porch but before i could knock on the door Grace opened the door and gave me a hug. 

"Hello to you to." i say smiling a little and hugging back.

"Sorry i just havent heard from you in a while i missed you." she said letting go of me.

"Its cool dude." i say walking inside her house. I prop mself down on the couch and start working.

"Hannah do you want anything to drink? Water, wine, vodka?" i really needed a drink of alochol just being in Graces house just destroys me. 

"Umm.. no thanks maybe later." we chat and talk and im having a really good time hanging out with her again just the 2 of us. But then Chester came through the door and said a little to love dove hello to Grace. 

"I think ill take that vodka now." i whisper getting up from the couch to the kitchen to get the vodka. I know Grace heard but i didnt care. I heard whispering between the 2 in the livingroom and then a door open and close.I took a look at the time and it was 7 pm and it was dark as hell outside. I had spent the whole day with grace. I took about 5 big swallows of vodka and on the 6th Grace came in. 

"Hey Hannah can i ask you something?"

"Yeah what is it?" i say practically slurring my words now. i was going to drink another bit of it when Grace took the bottle from my hands.

"Whats up with all the drinking?" she said with a concerened tone.

"What drinking?" i say denying it. 

"You know Hannah. Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." i lied. Grace just looks at me in the eyes for a while. 

"Hannah i have really good news to tell you something thats why i called yesterday nad wanted you to come over." She says getting a smile on her face. i smiled a little wondering what is was that made her so happy.

"What is it?" i said. 

"Yesterday Chester proposed!" my heart sank. You could hear my heart break in half from europe. My face droped and i was on the verge of tears. Grace saw my facial expression.

"Hannah whats wrong?" she said getting a little sad by the tone of her voice. im still speechless from that bomb she just set off.

"I have to go." i said barley hearable. walkig to the livingroom and started packing up my things.

"What no, Hannah your not going anywhere. Whats the matter?" I was crying at this point. why would i even try and hide it anymore. i truned around to face her.

"Whats the matter? hmmm let me think. For one im in love with my best friend knowing that she wont love me back. Two shes in love with somebody else. three now shes getting married to somebody else." i started to get angry.

"Grace im in love with you. ive been in love with you since the first day i met you. Ever since you started dating Chester ive been getting drunk trying to see if i could forgetvmy feelings about you. Ive stopped hanging out with you because of you dating Chester. You are with him 24/7 and me seeing you so in love with him being all in love with each other kills me inside everytime i see or hear about it. Grace i cant take it anymore. Im in  LOVE WITH YOU GRACE HELBIG." i walked up to her and kissed her. i backed aways after a second. i took my things and got into my car.

I took in what just happened i took the bottle of whiskey that was basically full and chuged it all down till the last drop. I drove back home as fast as i could. I didnt care i just wanted to get away from everything and everyone. And all of a sudden i looked to my side to see a flash of a light and everything disappears from my view.

~Grace POV~

I stood there for a couple of minutes trying to comprehend what Hannah had just happend and told me. I was the one who made her drink. i was hurting her. she loves me. She kissed me all these small sentences were running through my head at 200 mph. All i heard was Hannahs car zooming through the street so fast that it only made a loud noise for a second then falling back into silence. 

i sat down staring at nothing. This all was such a suprise. I called Mamrie but she didnt answer in afew minutes she called back

 "Hi" i said

"Grace?" i heard sniffling and shaky breathing.

"Mamrie whats wrong?"

"Its...its Han...Hannah." my heart stops thinking of what could have happened between 17 minutes ago and now.

"What happened?" 

"She...she hit by a tru..truck" i couldnt believe what i heard. 

"Mamrie are you at your house?"

"yes" she said throught her tears.

"im coming just stay there and well drive to the hospital." i hung up. I wasnt sad and i wasnt happy in was just not feeling anything. i dont want to believe that got hit by a truck because if i do that would make it my fault. 

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