Chapter 4

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~Grace POV~

I really needed to find out whats wrong with Hannah. Why does she drink so much i never noticed I know that she saw my messages but she wont answer me. Did i do something?I havent spoken to her just us two in months. All stop bye tommorrow. Chester and i are going to dinner and im looking through all my clothes to find a dress thats amazing. But i cant decide and Chesters no help.

I go with a nice lace red dress that goes down to the middle of my thigh and has a split in the dress on both sides with long sleeves. I walk down to see Chester nervously fixing his tie.

"Ready?" I ask seeing as Chester had been staring and i blushed.

"Uhhh...Right yeah you look amazing in the dress!"

"Thank you and you look rather daper yourself." i say going over to him giving him a kiss on the lips. We drove to the resterant in silence but not the ackward silence. Chester pulls out my chair and pushes me in like a gentleman. We talk and eat and have an amazing time. When we leave we didnt go home.

"Chester where are we going you missed the turn to go back home?" i say getting nervous.

"You'll see." he says with an evil smirk. I decided to text Mamrie while Chester's driving to who knows where. Its 6:30 i dont think that Mamrie will be that drunk.

Grace- Hey

Mamrie- Hey whatd you need

G- Nothing Chesters taking me to who knows where and im bored in the car.

M- Hahaha so how are things with you and him?

G- Great, I love him so much.

M- Im happy for both of you. Have you talked to Hannah?"

G- No, i went over to her house like 2 days ago and she was asleep. I told her to text me when she woke up but she didnt so ive tried to text her. She reads them but she doesnt answer them. Im getting worried about her Mamrie.

M- So am i but...dont think about it to much.

G- How cant i? Her house smelled like booze. You dont think Hannah has a drinking problem do you?

M- Hahaha..Hannah..a drinking problem hahahah

G- Yeah i might be over thinking everything.

M- Dont worry im sure she'll talk to you sooner or later if not than talk to her.

G- Okay i got to go Chester just parked at the beach.Bye

M- Have fun, but not to much fun young lady. Bye

I read Mamries text and unbuckled my belt and ran out the car following Chester on the beach. It was perfect the sun was setting and the sound of the waves were loud but not to loud. We spent liek 2 hours there when Chester got really jumpy and neverous.

"Are you okay Chester you seem nervous?"

"Yeah i just have a question to you." I was shocked but then overwhelmed when i saw him kneel and said his speech that i couldnt hear from the loud pounding of my heart beat.

"....Grace Anne Helbig would you do me the honor of marrying me?" I couldnt speak and my hands coverd my mouth and my eyes were filled with tears of joy.

"Yes YES YES!!!" i say while pulling him into a hug and kissing him passionatley. he slides the ring on my finger and we head home. I have to tell my family and friends. I called Mamrie and she freaked out on how soon Chester decided to propose. I called everyone until i had to call Hannah she didnt pick up or answer any of my texts. Ill tell her next time i see her. I hope its soon. It was around 9 but i was tired so i got into more comfortable clothing and went to bed while cuddling into Chester.

~Hannah POV~

"Hi Grace" to simple.

"Hello Grace." to formal.

"Hey Grace." to desprate. Ive been looking at my reflection in the mirror for over and hour trying to find what to say to Grace when i see her. I got a text from Mamrie like always asking if im alright. As usual i say yes when really im not. I cant help but think of Grace every goddamn second. Her smile, her laugh, the way her hair falls perfectly on her shoulders.

STOP IT HANNAH YOU HAVE TO GET OVER HER!!! I get a couple of phone calls from her but i didnt answer them knowing as its going to be either questioning me or something lovey dovey if i could help her with. I cant deal with that right now. I go to the kitchen and go to get strong alochol. I dont really care what its is anymore, if it gets me drunk faster then im drinking it. What has my life come to. After chuggining down like 3 bottles of booze I decide to text Grace.

Hannah- hwy Grace

Grace responds 2 mins after the essage was sent.

Grace- hey Hannah

H- Qhats ypu foing

G- Hannah are you drunk?

H- Matbe

G- Hannah go to sleep but while i have you at least texting me. I wanted to know if you wanted to come over tommorrow?

H- Sire id lobe to

G- Great tommorrow at 10 we can co-work. Hannah go to sleep.

I didnt answer i didnt even read theactual text message just the notification thing on the screen. I was out of it and i was tired it was a long day of recording and video editing. I was knocked out in minutes.

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