"It looks more like a threat than a warning" Percy mumbled to himself but Remus nodded understanding what he meant.

Remus entered the bank missing Percy giving a nod and a little bow to bowing goblins like accepting their respect and he completely missed the surprised look on the faces of goblins later morphed into real awe and respect once they inhaled the sea scent.

Remus and Percy reached the main table. Percy is looking at their surroundings. Remus cleared his throat and said "Excuse me, Percy Jackson here want to take a blood test so he could claim shafiq family vault". The goblin looks at him and Percy and called a goblin named Gurnock and said "Take the wolf and Prince Perseus for blood test if he is heir to shafiq vault take him to it. otherwise take him to Vault 3".

Remus was shocked he know goblins knows his condition but they were never this open. Remus checked did Percy heard about him being a wolf, but relieved when he sees him still looking at walls. And Remus remembered the goblin called Percy prince. Voldemort called himself Dark Lord never declared himself as king. The only unknown figure in Percy's life is his father. Maybe he was a king. And Remus knows only 3 kings whom goblins accept as their kings and they are Royal Olympia family. Did Percy belongs to Royal Olympia Family. If he is, why didn't he tell them. Remus followed goblin and Percy thinking all of this. Goblin stopped him and said "Only who takes test were allowed". Remus nodded and waited outside.

Percy pov:

Percy is checking the walls inscriptions and drawings so he can tell to annabeth. He stopped when he looked something that looks like him 'oh gods or now onwards oh merlin, it was him. They inscripted all his adventures and he looked way more impressive in the drawing than it happened'.

When he looking at this, the goblin called another goblin named Gurnock and said something. All he registered was he called Remus wolf and called him Prince. Remus looked at him
and he pretended he didn't heard and prayed to gods that Remus wouldn't think much about him being prince.

He followed the goblin when they reached a room the goblin said only who takes test was allowed. So both goblin and he entered the room.

There is another goblin working in the middle of the room. the goblin looked up when they entered and said "Welcome to Gringotts Prince Perseus, we are honored to have you here. My name is Ragnuk the sixth. I'm a head goblin here. we heard many things about you, your highness. We goblins are warrior race, we always respect warriors. And we honor warriors like you who held loyalty as symbol like us".

Percy smiled and said "Thank you Ragnuk, but i only did what was necessary". Percy thanked Amphitrite for her etiquette lessons otherwise he would make himself a fool and offend the goblins at the same time.

Ragnuk gave a rare smile and said nodding "Here your highness, you have to spill 3 drops of blood into this bowl".

Percy took the knife given to him , and made a small cut on his hand and dropped 3 blood drops into the bowl. Ragnuk nodded at him and took the bowl to another room.

Gurnock said "wolf can heal you" Percy asked "Why do you hate Remus, is it because he is wolf" gurnock replied "We don't have any problems with werewolfs. but he is standing with you like he was an equal, like his ancestors didn't forget where they get their magic". Percy didn't know why but he defended remus "See here Gurnock can i call you Gurnock, It's not Remus fault he became a werewolf and it was definitely wasn't his fault that his ancestors became ignorant. For standing as an equal, he didn't know i was a Prince, even then i preferred to be treated like an equal and friend rather than someone higher".

If possible the goblin looked more impressed and said "You're truly what they say your highness, your humble nature and fierce nature to defend what you believe will always make a true warrior. we goblins always stand beside you My Lord" in awe and respect.

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