|Chapter 30|

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"It doesn't matter who hurt you, or broke you down, what matters is who made you smile again."


"Lisa careful, it's dark in here.." Jungkook grabbed a hold of Lisa's wrist. More worried about her than himself. And Lisa couldn't help but smile to herself. She removed his grip from her wrist and intertwined their fingers.

Feeling Jungkook's warm palm around hers, Lisa felt a sense of security that she didn't feel for a long while. "Ah- we are almost there..." Lisa said, trying hard not to fall because of the darkness and luckily Jungkook's grip was helping her to stay steady.

"Where? You still didn't tell me where you are dragging me to...?" Jungkook whined. Even if it was dark and Lisa couldn't quite see his face but she could still imagine how he would do that little pout whenever he's upset.

Lisa stopped on her way, so did Jungkook. "I want you to let in my life and for that- you need to know everything about me don't you? And here that's what I'm doing..." Lisa sounded vulnerable but also determined.

Jungkook stared at her. Those beautiful pair of eyes looked ethereal under the moonlight. Trust, sincerity, and somewhere love shone in them. Looking at her now Jungkook understood one thing, she was never that complicated. One can just read her by staring at her eyes. "Let's go then..."


And the next he knew, they were walking through a garden, the garden was covered with different flowers and plants. The smell of the flowers covered the whole place making it more relaxing.

They walked hand in hand under the moonlight and slightly cold breeze. Jungkook didn't ask her anything, just held her hands tightly. Assuring that he would be with her no matter what. He wanted to give her the space she needed. He wanted her to open up by herself.

After walking for a while, Lisa suddenly stopped on her way and stared at distance. Jungkook also followed her gaze and found a tombstone not to far away from them. He confusedly stared at that. Not so sure what to do or even say.

Lisa stiffed and Jungkook could feel that. He grabbed her hand more tightly and slightly rubbed it with his thumb. Feeling his warmth Lisa blinked. Her eyes felt watery but she didn't want to cry. Not now. Not again.

"Th- ..." Lisa tried but her throat felt dry, words weren't coming out no matter how much she tried.

"Doll it's okay, take your time. You have my forever.." Jungkook's sweet voice made its way to Lisa and she felt like giving up. She felt tired of acting strong, she felt tired of trying so hard not to show her emotions.

Lisa freed her hand from Jungkook's grip and walked towards the tombstone by herself. When she was close enough she knelt down and touched the tombstone and her tears betrayed her.

As Jungkook promised, he obediently stayed beside her without saying a word but he was there to hold her if she needed him.

"Th- this is my sister, m- my younger sister Ye- Yeri..." Lisa said between her low sobs.

Jungkook froze for a while before coming back to reality. He never knew she had a sister. He wanted to ask many things but he swallowed it all. He knew it was hard for her.

Lisa wiped her tears away, she knew she has to face it all. And she wanted to. "She died ten years ago, or I say was ki- killed." Lisa swallowed hard.

It was hard. It was damn hard.

"I'm sorry.." Jungkook knelt down beside her and took her one hand in his. Covering it with all his warmth.

Lisa shook her head, "No-o it's ok-ay...I g- guess.."

She continued, "Marco daddy, h- he isn't my biological father...Ma and he got together when I was twelve. And before him-" Lisa paused, her eyes turned black. Jungkook wanted to stop her. He didn't need to know something which would hurt her so much but he also wanted to support her in a decision she took with so much courage.

"Before him, my real father who was only a named father....used to torture us a lot. He and Ma had a love marriage, he was nice at first. But th- then gradually things changed. After Yeri was born, he literally stopped caring about us. Every day he used to hit Ma for little nothings and- " Lisa sobbed.

"And we could do nothing, I knew going against him would only bring trouble on us, on Ma, but Yeri wasn't like that...She always talked over him, did things he asked her not to...I tried a lot...I really did.." Lisa cried hard.

"To s-top her you k-now but she never listened. She was a stubborn kid. And I regret now, why didn't I try more Jungkook? Wh-y didn't I?" Lisa covered her eyes. Jungkook's heart broke seeing her that like. He felt like he was being tortured.

"Shh- it's okay...It wasn't your fault.." Jungkook hugged her. His arms wrapped around her protectively as Lisa cried on his chest.

After a while Lisa tried to control herself, she wanted to continue, "Lisa you don't need to...I know it's hard and I can wait. I said you have my forever..." Jungkook whispered. His eyes brows frowned in worry.

"N- no I want to pl- please..." Lisa sobbed but Jungkook still felt worried. He stayed silent for a while before replying, "Okay but stop if it gets hurting mm?" He cupped her cheeks and Lisa nodded with red eyes and nose.

Lisa continued, "O- one day Yeri and he were alone in the house, Ma went out to get me back from the school. And as always he and Yeri argued, she was just an eight years old kid back then but he didn't show any mercy on her either. He slapped her so hard th- that her head bumped with a table a- and it started bleeding, she was a small kid who didn't know what to do, she kept crying and screaming but he didn't help her let alone taking her to the hospital...." Lisa bitterly smiled, her usually jolly eyes looked full of anger and sadness.

"When we came back, Yeri- s-he was laying on her blood-covered floor. She wasn't moving. Her body felt cold. Ma was so terrified that she ran to the hospital with Yeri in her arms, but till the time we reached it was already too l- late...The doctor said she was on more because of too much bleeding..." Lisa paused and stared at the tombstone with glittering eyes.

"After that grandpa filed a case against that inhuman, but without much evidence, he bailed out. Ma was traumatized for months. She didn't eat, didn't sleep, didn't talk or anything...I didn't know what to do...I was a kid myself back then...I tried so hard Jungkook, so hard but I just couldn't..." Lisa wiped her tears.

"We moved out with grandpa and he helped Ma to divorce that man...Years later Marco daddy showed up in Ma's life and helped her to forget everything in the past...He was the best dad I could've ever asked for...Everything was perfect after that but o- only Yeri wasn't with us..." Lisa creased the tombstone with a small smile.

"It would've been so nice if I had her now..." Lisa whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Jungkook felt bad for everything she had to go through and he promised himself, he would always keep her safe and happy in his arms.

"I'm sorry for everything doll but trust me, Yeri- she would want you to be happy now, not sad. So be happy for her, for your own self." Jungkook rubbed her head softly.

Lisa stared at his eyes, there wasn't pity or sympathy in there. There was only respect and love. All that Lisa wanted.

She smiled at him before wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips on his. Lisa knew he was perfect. Together they would be perfect.

Jungkook broke the kiss first, "I promise doll I'll never let you suffer from anything. All your pain would be mine and all my happiness would be yours. . ." He softly whispered as he held her in his arms. Lisa felt her heart melt because of his words.

"Jungkook.." Lisa whispered, she felt like she needed to say this right now.


"I love you." Lisa softly whispered, staring into his eyes. And Jungkook felt his heart rapidly beating. He could see a bright future in her eyes.

"I love you too Lisa..."

Always, forever. 

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