|Chapter 8|

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"You smile I melt."


Since Jungkook and Lisa were already quite late they could only attend half of the lecture. Jungkook was really confused about why Lisa saved him from the detention? They aren't even friends. Jungkook's thoughts were interrupted by the warning bell, which meant the class finally ended. "Okay so that's all for today, I want you all to be more attentive in your studies and give your best, and yeah about 'Seoul Dancing Championship' Ms. Manoban I have my faith in you I'm sure you and your group will win this year too." Mr. Kim gave an encouraging smile. "We'll do our best," Lisa replied with her usual cold gaze.

"And I heard this year we have another dancing champ, Mr. Jeon I'm looking forward to you." Mr. Kim spoke. "Yes, Mr. Kim I'll try my best." Jungkook smiled.

"And who knows Lalisa might lose this year since we have our ace JK." Yugyeom smirked. "Oh, boi you wish." Jennie snapped while rolling her eyes. "Silence, I don't want you guys to fight over silly things." Mr. Kim held that poker face. And others nodded meanwhile Lisa seemed like she couldn't care any less. After talking about the competition for a while more Mr. Kim finally left.


The girl tip-toped to reach out the book but it still didn't help. The book that she needed was on the top shelf making it nearly impossible for Lisa's height to reach it. The latter groaned in irritation. Creating a sharp sound throughout the library. Much to her luck, her library was quite empty. With all her willpower she tried again, tiptoed until her fingers couldn't take it anymore. But still, her hand didn't reach out up there.

And suddenly Lisa felt a hard chest being pressed on her back. The chest leaned in more until there was no space remaining between them and reached out for the book which was easily within his reach. "So at least Head Monitor isn't perfect in everything I see." Jungkook grinned, his one hand holding the book in the air and the free hand-pressed on the bookshelf making Lisa trapped in his arms. Lisa swiftly turned around as annoyance flashed on her face. She pressed both her hands on Jungkook's chest and pushed him away with all her strength which caused him to stumble against a chair behind him.

"Yahh you violent little punk, I was just helping..." Jungkook whined as his elbow hit the chair. On the other hand, Lisa was glaring at him. "Did I ask your help? No right? So stay away." She crossed her arms across her chest as she rolled her eyes.

"You are...unbelievable.." Jungkook groaned as he stood straight on his feet. "I didn't ask you, now give me my book back."

Jungkook smirked and held the book higher. "Take it if you can."

"Ahh are you born annoying or did something happen after your birth?" Lisa's eyebrows frowned. And Jungkook chuckled.

Lisa was never very patient, and she had a feeling she would lose it soon. "Look I've much-needed stuff to do than arguing with a child who's stuck in a grown-ass man's body. So just give it back." Lisa snorted.

"First apologize." Jungkook tried his best to resist the great urge of laughing.

"What for?"

"Because of you I got hurt so apologize then take it back," Jungkook smirked making Lisa lose her last piece of shit.

"No fucking way I'm apologizing to YOU !!!" Lisa emphasized the YOU word. "Then forget about this." Jungkook hung the book right in front of Lisa but again held it higher when Lisa tried to snatch it. Lisa squeezed her eyes together as she tried to calm down. But this guy in front of her was getting on her every fucking nerve.

Lisa stepped forward and tried to reach out the book, but compared to Jungkook's height it was already a lost cause, but Lisa remembered the saying, 'Never give up before trying.'

"Even if you continue doing this all day long you still won't archive anything, you know that right?" Jungkook stared down at the girl with amusement, even if Lisa tried to be angry she kinda ends up being adorable in his eyes. Her ears were soft red because of the irritation and anger, her cheeks looked too squeezable and those big doe eyes were fuming in anger. And Jungkook found this sight beyond amusing.

Lisa fingerprints were slightly brushing against Jungkook's forearm, giving him a ticklish sensation throughout his body. Jungkook was never that ticklish before but only a small touch of Lisa was making his body out of his control, which Jungkook didn't know why. "Jeon Jungkook give it back right now or I'll choke you to your death!" Lisa jumped once again which was clearing waste of both her energy and time. She was clearly running out of breath, while Jungkook was only enjoying the whole situation. And after a while, more Lisa finally gave up and sat on the floor while stabling her breath.

"I've never seen such an anno-ying guy like you in my w-hole life..." Lisa said as she tried to catch some air. Chuckling, Jungkook also bent down to Lisa's level. "I don't know why I just love annoying you."

Lisa narrowed her eyes towards him and then sighed, "Fine...I'm sorry now give it back." Lisa whispered is one breathe. She wasn't egoistic. She was never ashamed of apologizing if it was her fault. But apologizing to Jungkook felt like a major loss. Like this guy could do whatever he wanted and she could just accept the defend.

"..Here you go." Jungkook cheekily grinned and returned the book, she snatched it the moment she got the chance. And then stood up, ready to run. Run far away from this annoying guy. Without another word, she turned her heels towards the exit but a grip on her wrist stopped her causing her to turn around again. "What again?" Now Lisa was surely out of patients.

"Thank you...." Jungkook sincerely smiled revealing his bunny teeth. "Thank you for saving me from detention. I owe you." His grip on her wrist was soft and that smile never left. Lisa felt her heart do an unfamiliar thing in her chest. She stared for a while and then freed her wrist. She wanted to say something but words just got stuck in her mouth. She herself didn't know why she saved him. She just it was the most right thing to do at that time.

And then without saying anything she just ran out from the library. Feeling frustrated with herself. She wasn't like this. She always knew what was she doing but today it felt like her mind lost to her heart.

Side story:

After the bell rang Bambam saw Mina gathering her stuff so hurriedly. "Why so hurry penguin?" He nudged her shoulder. She had a very big smile on her face like she would have won some lottery, which made Bambam's little soul more curious. "Oh my biggie Gorilla you won't believe this I'm finally going on a date with my one and only crush Lee Seok-min, I can't believe he asked me to be his valentine oh my god i'm so happy...." And Mina kept ranting more about that while Bambam frowned. Crush? Lee Seok-min? Valentine? No way.....He thought.

"What? Why?" He asked as his expression changed from irritation to anger. "I know right. Your single ass can't relate. Anyway, I'm going Bamine wish me luck so that he would ask me to be his girlfriend." Mina's smile grew bigger with each word so as Bambam's frown.

Mina was about to pass Bambam but stopped when he gripped her wrist tightly. She frowned, "What?"

"You.. you can't go." He was determined to stop her at any cost. "Huh?"

"Ahh ahh..em...omma...yeah omma asked me to bring you home today..." Bambam was never a good liar but he just wished Mina won't catch him. "Wae?" Mina was close with Bambam's mother even all of them are close with each other's parents but suddenly she wanted to meet her? why?

"I- I don't know she just asked me to bring you that's all so you are not going on any date and coming with me." Bambam's grip didn't soften. "But my da -" Mina got cut off as Bambam dragged her with him. "I said no means no...who's more important omma or your Lee Seok-min..." Bambam rolled his eyes.

"Fine......" Mina sighed, very upset that now she have to cancel her date. And on the other hand, a certain boy pulled out his phone and swiftly typed a message.

'Omma I'm bringing penguin home, you've to act as if you called her, don't ask why I'll explain later. Just act.. love you.'

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