|Chapter 26|

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"Only those who care about you can hear you when you are quiet."


Lisa laid down on her ever favorite bed with letting her arms relax. Oh how much she missed this familiar scent. Everything about here gave her a feeling of being secured, being safe. Her home.

Soon after, Chaeyoung jumped on her, ruining the peace of the moment. Both rolled on the bed for a while and ended up laughing together.

"Lali Bangkok is a piece of cherry on the cake." Chaeyoung grinned. "I know right.." Lisa laughed along with her. Chaeyoung has been saying that ever since they landed. It was already 3 pm in the noon so their management decided to give them a day to settle down first. Right after landing Lisa rushed to her home with others along with her.

Her parents welcomed them with all their hearts. Lisa couldn't help but feel emotional after seeing them for a long time. How she missed them! With Lisa's father being a famous chef, they were quite wealthy so normally their house was also big but cozy. So them staying there wasn't a problem.

Lisa's parents were already familiar with Chaeyoung and Eunwoo so she only had to introduce Jimin and Jungkook. And she saw how her mother gave her those teasing looks, indirectly stating 'Good job daughter, they are handsome!' And Lisa could only act like she didn't notice.

But she could see her mom personally liked Jungkook very much, smiling at every next word he was uttering. Lisa was quite surprised to see how easygoing he was being with her parents. From sweet-talking her mother to mannerly answering every question her father asked.

After talking with the elders a while, everyone decided to rest for the meantime. Mother Manoban helped everyone to peacefully settle down in their own respectful rooms, but Chaeyoung urged that she would rather share a room with Lisa than to sleep alone, Lisa also didn't budge and agreed with her.

"Have you checked the routine yet? We have to be there on the site within 7 o'clock. Gosh, how am I supposed to get up that early?!" Chaeyoung sulked and Lisa chuckled. "No biggie Chae, I'll help you get up..." Chaeyoung could feel how Lisa was so happy to be with her family after a long while.

The way her eyes were smiling Chaeyoung couldn't help but feel happy too. It's been a while since she has seen Lisa being this happy. And she couldn't get anymore happier over the fact that her best friend is all jolly.

On the other side, the boys were equally tired so Eunwoo decided to take a quick nap before dinner but Jimin wasn't a bit sleepy so he marched towards Jungkook's room and found him laying on the bed with his arms covering his eyes.

"Kook!" He dropped himself beside him with his face resting on his elbow. When Jungkook didn't reply he tried shaking his arms but the moment he touched his skin Jimin's eyes widened.

"God, Jungkook you are burning with a fever..." Jimin placed his palm on his forehead and found it equally hot. Even since Jungkook was a kid, his body had a weird reaction towards the weather. Whenever his body heat changes, it leaves an effect on him. So whenever he visited abroad he would rather catch a cold or have a fever or feel very uncomfortable. Being familiar with this Jungkook wasn't making a fuss over it because he knew it would pass away on its own.

But since Jimin didn't know he was normally panicking. "Wait wait, I need to ask for medicine, let me call Lisa first..." Jimin was about to get off the bed when Jungkook caught his wrist, preventing him from doing so.

"No need, this isn't serious Jimin, my body reacts every time the weather around me changes so it's normal since the weather here is different than Seoul and much hotter." Jungkook weakly muttered. "Besides I have taken the medicine, don't tell anyone about this especially Lisa, she's happy to be with her family now. Don't distract her with these little nothings."

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