|Chapter 12|

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"The trick of being smart in knowing when to play dumb," 


The whole ride to their dorm was just Chaeyoung blabbing about how Lisa shouldn't have taken the elevator and Lisa mindlessly nodding. "What if...what if Jungkook wasn't there? I can't let anything happen to you Lali..." Chaeyoung's eyes again filled with tears and Lisa couldn't help but soften her eyes on the latter.

Chaeyoung was always a cry baby. Very emotionally attached to her loved ones. She would rather die than hurt others.

Lisa slowly wiped her tears away with a small smile on her lips, "Look I'm good Chaeng, nothing happened right? Don't cry ne?"

"Please always be safe Lisa, I've already lost enough, I can't bear losing you guys too..." Her voice sounded so low that Lisa felt her heartbreak into million pieces. Park Chaeyoung isn't just another friend. She is like a sister to her who was always there for her.

"I will and I'm sorry...." Lisa hugged her latter, which somehow calmed both of them.

"Hey hey, tomorrow is the second stage...you guys rea...? What happened? Why's Chaeng crying? What did we miss?" Suddenly Jennie and Jisoo dashed into the dorm and found the view very confusing.

Chaeyoung was about to speak but stopped when Lisa pulled her wrist. "Eh...actually Chaeyoung saw a little girl being scolded badly by her mother on the way and she found the view very hurting and you..you know she's such a cry baby so yeah.." Lisa nervously laughed. She simply didn't want others to worry about her and Chaeyoung knew that but the excuse was lame. She gave Lisa a look that says, 'I knew you were bad with lies Manoban but this is horrible.'

After a moment of silence, both Jisoo and Jennie burst out laughing. Making Chaeyoung roll her eyes. Only if she opened her mouth Lisa would've been scolded badly by their unnies. And Jennie might cry also. She loves Lisa very much after all. But Lisa's pleading eyes stopped her from doing so.

"Okay, enough of that shit now listen to me..." Jennie controlled her laughter and started talking about the second stage.


And with the last beat, they ended their performance with a last cool gesture. The whole audience burst into cheers and applause who were mainly their classmates and some judges. Jungkook watched their performance from the backstage. Lisa's dancing skill never failed to amaze him. The girl simply just gives her everything in performance which always outlines her appearance. And the way her body effortlessly matches with every rhythm it's just so surreal to watch.

Jungkook was so mesmerized in thoughts that he didn't notice when Jihyo came and stood beside him. Jungkook was still looking at the screen where Lisa was shown. He had that one small smile playing on his lips which caused Jihyo to narrow her eyes on the latter.

She mindlessly shifted her glaze from Jungkook to the screen a few times. And after a while with a knowing look, she smirked. Something smells fishy huh?

"You like her right?" Suddenly being interrupted, Jungkook flinched and looked beside. There he found a smirking Jihyo. "Huh?" He acted innocent. "Don't act dumb Kook." He received a hard slap on his arm right arm. "Ouchh that hurts Jihyo-ahh..." He whined making her chuckle. "Anyway answer me, you like her don't you?" Her eyes sparkled.

"Who? What are you talking about?" He avoided her eyes. "Lisa, Lalisa Manoban...you like her." And this time it sounded more like a statement than a question. "What? Wh- why wo-uld you think like that." He mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

"The way you stare at her says a lot, my friend.." She giggled and Jungkook's ears turned slightly red. "No I don't, she's a mere friend.."

Really? Jungkook heard his subconscious mind.

Oh shut up.

"Sure she is.." Jihyo nodded with a teasing grin. Jungkook again stared at the screen and saw Lisa smiling. He doesn't know if he likes her or not but all he knows is that he loves that smile and wants to secure it forever.

Is liking someone that easy? How?

"You know kook, Lisa is a very nice and determined girl. She knows what she's doing. Very focused since the very beginning. And trust me when I say I've never seen her with a guy except for S9 obviously. She was never into relationships. Even if I don't know her that well but still I can sense that she has trust issues. If you ever convinced your mind that you really do like her. Please secure that girl, she deserves it.." Jihyo patted Jungkook's back lightly with pure affection in her eyes. Jungkook stared at her for a while. And then smiled a genuine smile.

"Thank you.." He uttered and Jihyo grinned. "Nevermind."

After talking for a while more Jihyo finally went away. Sana called her that she needs something from her. Jungkook also decided to go out for a walk. He felt his mind would explore any time if he didn't calm his thoughts. But all his mind did was just think about Lisa again and again.

He groaned as he kicked a pebble on the road, "Calm your ass down Jeon Jungkook, what's up with this sudden Lisa fever?" He whispered to himself.

As he continued to walk, his eyes caught a familiar figure not so far from him. Holding an ice cream in her hands smiling at the children who were playing in the park. And suddenly her figure turned and she looked at him. He blinked numerous times. "Have I gone totally mad that I'm hallucinating Lisa?" He rubbed his eyes. But every time he would rub his eyes the figure would just come closer.

And suddenly he received a slap on his arms. "Yahh why are you rubbing your eyes that much...?" And here she is, standing right in front of him. Her big doe eyes dug holes into his soul.

"Are you really here?" Jungkook unconsciously touched her puffy cheeks. "Yahh have you gone nuts?" She immediately jerked his handoff.

"So you really are...." Jungkook smiled, flashing his infamous bunny teeth. And that smile creeped out Lisa. "Jeon are you alright?" She narrowed her eyes on the guy who's suddenly acting weird.

"Very much.." Jungkook smiled more.

And suddenly his subconscious mind snapped, "Get yourself together Jeon, you are acting creepy."

He cleared his throat and stared at her, "Yes I'm good, what are you doing here?" Recovered well.

Lisa curiously stared at him, "Having ice cream." She licked her ice cream which was near to melting. And Jungkook made an 'oh' sigh. After that, no one spoke. Lisa continued eating her ice cream. And Jungkook stared down at her.

Why was he suddenly having difficultly with communicating with her?

'All Jihyo's fault, she installed all this shit in my mind.' He mentally blamed Jihyo.

When Lisa was almost done she pulled out a tissue and wiped her hands, "Jeon what's wrong? Why so off today?" She asked, calmly doing her thing.

Jungkook panicked, what now? "Oh ah..no..I'm good, nothing's wrong." He nervously scratched the back of his neck.

And suddenly Lisa tip-toed and matched their foreheads together. Jungkook's eyes winded, head spun and heart did a big jump on its place. "You don't feel so hot do you?" Lisa on the other hand, clearly ignoring their close proximity, just merely checked his temperature. Jungkook felt like his head exploring, if she won't back off now the guy would just simply faint.

Lisa backed off a bit, still very close to Jungkook's own liking, "Jeon..you are turning red..." Lisa's eyes winded. "Oh god let's go, your poor ass needs to be seen by a doctor..." Lisa immediately grabbed a hold of his wrist and pulled him along with her.

On the other hand, Jungkook felt his tongue got twisted, not a single word came out. And he just obediently followed her when he really wanted to scream, "Woman I'm not sick you are the one who caused all this!"

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