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She couldn't sleep for three nights. It was utterly hard when Lyra would recall the scenario she created of Nott executing her upon revealing her dark mark. That mixed with the fact she met up with one of the most dangerous people in the wizarding world.

My god was she stupid Lyra kept repeating to herself.

Until then we will meet again. Stay cautious of my message.

They absolutely would not meet again. How could they since Lyra had promptly thrown the necklace back to Grindelwald the precise moment they met?

What frustrated Lyra, even more, in common was the angered rant she had unleashed unto him. How she allowed Grindelwald to perceive her like that.

She didn't hate muggle-borns or muggles in general. What she did loathe was how they reacted to magic. Hundreds of muggle history events have shown how unwell they do when it comes to magic. Therefore, to want to combine both the worlds seems like the most idiotic thing one can do.

"Before your undoing? What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?" Lyra spoke to herself while anxiously pacing round the luxurious bedroom.

It had been inevitably driving her mad. The whole situation had. If he didn't know Lyra was from the future then why was he so terribly interested in her? One impressive display of her magic at the ball was enough for Grindelwald to diligently seek her out for critical months? In addition, why was he so certain she had kept the deathly hallows necklace?

Was he just that smart? Or just that full of himself?

She desperately wanted to pull her hair out from pent-up frustration. Edmund included extra annoyance to her while staying at the Nott Manor. A simple hello or glance was enough to produce her wanting to cease him where he stood.

Personally, Edmund had done nothing terrible towards Lyra to make her despise him. But she was excellent at reading people, she grasped it well. And Edmund was anything but a good person. She'd catch him staring at her in the most peculiar of ways not caring if Lyra had seen.

The unusual sound of yelling caused Lyra to pause in her tracks.

It sounded like Niles and Edmund.

"You are a Nott!" Edmund screamed. Lyra watched from the visible crack of her door. "It is your duty to wed a noble pureblood."

"So that duty does not expand to you?" Niles screamed back, "It's been four years since you finished Hogwarts. Where's your wife then?"
Edmund seemed aggravated, he stroked his hair back. "That is enough Niles. You are acting like a child."

"And you're acting as if you are my parent!" Niles fired back.

Lyra saw Edmund slap Niles, making him fall to the ground. Quickly she rushed out of her room. "Ascendio." The spell caused Edmund to fly back, striking his back against the stone wall.

"Niles, are you okay?" she took hold of his face, marking the cut on his cheek. "You bastard," Lyra screamed, turning to Edmund. Nott grabbed hold of Lyra's hand that rested on his face. "Lyra don't." he shook his head and easily stood with the help of Lyra.

"I'm going to my room.'' His voice was harsh again, emotionless. "Do not do anything absurd," he instructed her when Nott noticed Lyra was walking towards Edmund when he backed away.

"Niles." she turned to find him gone. Lyra had rarely seen Nott since that night at the palace. In the Manor he's a completely different person.

So Lyra found herself in her room once again, alone and angry.

She could curse him, she thought. Or throw a mild jinx to Edmund. But Niles warned her to not do anything stupid.

There seemed to be no end to the hour that had passed. It was unbearable at this point. In a brisk stride, she marched from her room toward Edmund's study.

Perfidy | Tom Riddle |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin