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"I can't believe you're making us sleep somewhere else just to avoid Frey," Tom complained when the two quickly crept past the corridors. Curfew was approaching, and they didn't want to be caught.

This wasn't her. Lyra was never the jealous type, just the mention of that vile witch's name made her blood boil. But there hasn't been anyone for her to even feel this type of emotion for. She didn't care when Harry had connected with Ginny Weasley. She didn't care when he was frustrated with Ginny, Harry would come running back to her. Though do not hold any negative thoughts, Lyra had some morals and once they had announced they were officially together she had immediately pushed him away on the few occasions he foolishly would enter her room in the dark night. But their sneaky habits once again remained when Harry had broken up with Ginny only after a few brief weeks. No one till now knew what the reason was.

It was easy for them since neither one cared about hurting the other's feelings, whatever their complex relationship was. He didn't trust her, but he consistently opened up to her about his feelings without worry she would ever judge.

"Do you think we're going to lose?" Harry asked leaned comfortably between Lyra's thighs with the back of his head resting on her chest. Nothing but the low candlelight filling up the darkroom.

"I think the more you lecture me on dark magic instead of using it then yes. I believe we'll lose."

"I have lost everyone I've ever loved," Harry sat up and moved next to her, leaning against the headboard while Lyra pulled up the quilt, "because of dark magic. My parents, Sirius, Remus, the list goes on and on."

"Harry, if you had the chance right now to use the killing curse against you-know-who, would you?"

He looked down to Lyra whose body was turned in his direction with her head resting on a pillow, "I...I don't know truth be told."

"When the time comes. If you can't do it I will."


"Harry. I know you care about my soul and whatnot. But trust me if my soul is the price to pay for his death then I'm willing to give it up. And don't look at me like that. You can't save everybody, why are you desperately trying to save someone who no one will miss?"

"I'll miss you," Harry desperately looked at her with his grave eyes, a dull tint of sadness buried in them, "A part of me thinks I will."

She didn't speak, she didn't comprehend what to say. Lyra looked at Harry marking how much the brutal war had drained him. There was no spark or light left in his sunken, hollow eyes. The sarcastic witty boy in Hogwarts who was the pride and joy of Gryffindor was gone. Everyone had drastically changed over the years since Voldemort took control of the ministry. But Harry seemed...broken and in the past two years, she hadn't seen him smile once.

"You should get dressed and go before Ron notices you're gone." Lyra turned on her back.

"Why'd you do it? Why'd you save us from the Malfoy manor that night?" he unexpectedly asked."Why'd you-"

"Betray the people I called family?" Lyra finished his sentence prodding herself up at his eye level. She sighed contentedly."I deeply loved the Malfoys, and I still do, but I never agreed with their ideologies. I also knew that if they had summoned you-know-who, he would've killed all of you and that small glimmer of hope I held onto of the world going back to its natural state would vanish."

The people she called family now marked her as a traitor. The Malfoys had raised her, loved her, and spoiled her. Only for Lyra to stab them in the back and rescue the people they deemed their enemy.

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