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Lyra's decision not to attend the Yule Ball was made the moment she heard about it. This was her first opportunity to gain some direct answers as to why she was here in the first place after several months. Lyra will have countless hours to browse each and every single boy's room as everyone will be busy during the ball and Ravenclaw party afterward.

An uncomfortable sense of terrible guilt grew inside Lyra that she'd be rummaging through Mulciber, Notts, and Tom's things. There was also panic, what if one of the boys came back to their rooms early or what if they forgotten something and needed to grab it. Merlin, she desperately wished to have an invisibility cloak at the moment.

This was her only chance. It must be done.

"Are you sure you've packed everything?" Nott asked, pacing around her room.

"For the love of Merlin, you've asked me twenty times. I've packed everything," Nott pointed his finger up, "Yes, even the dresses you purchased for me earlier for no reason. I however don't understand why I must wear them." she complained neatly folding them in her trunk.

"We've been over this. My parents are strictly traditional and if they see you in trousers, which I admit you look stunning in, they will not maintain the same opinion."

"Wait till they live long enough to see jeans," she lowly muffled to herself, "Niles stop worrying we're only just going to be at your parents for a few days."

"You don't know them Lyra, especially my brother. They have picked apart every detail of my life, and I have no doubts they're going to do the same to you."

Lyra joked, "I've dealt with people trying to kill me. I'm sure I could handle your family." She laughed. "Now I believe you have a ball to prepare for?" she clasped her hands in front of her and kept an extremely pitiful expression on her face, "Please go already."

"I'm a bit hurt you're pushing me away," he huffed pointing his head away from her, "Presumably for him?" Nott crossed his arms, "Is this what we've come to be. Has Riddle come between us?" he spoke in an emotional high-pitched tone.

"I'm spending the first half of our holiday with you and your parents, therefore forgive me if I wanted to spend the last few hours we have with Tom. Especially since he's going to be at the ball for those few hours."

Taking a seat in front of her bed, he mused, "I'm completely interested in seeing what happens. I've never seen you two stay apart for nearly that long." he said, eyes fixed on her.

"Don't be dramatic we do spend time apart. It's not as if we're joined at the hip." she laughed sitting down on her bed.

"Lyra." he said, leaning forward, elbows resting on knees, "he's showering in your bathroom when he could've just used his." Nott pointed to the door of her bathroom.

"Go get ready, Niles," she said standing up, grabbing his collar, and pushing him through the door.

Taking note of what Nott had said, Lyra reflected on how they rarely spend any time apart. If they were apart for a long time, it was either because she was stuck in the infirmary or because they had a fight. She didn't want to be away from him even if it was for a few days, though the idea of spending her holiday at the Lestrange Manor sent a shiver down her back.

Whenever Lyra thought about Tom, she was confused and lost about what the future held for them. Would he be okay being away so long? Or was she just being dramatic? Being close to him all the time had become an unhealthy habit.

It made her realize what a selfish person Tom had made her. Lyra had been deeply touched by someone who made her forget all about her reason for being here. The shameful thing is, she actually enjoyed it.

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