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"Miss Lenkrov," Slughorn exclaimed when Lyra walked in with Nott and Mulciber, "It's good to see you up and well, Gave us all quite a fright. How are you feeling?"

"Quite well Professor though," she delicately put her hand over her chest, "the pain lingers from time to time."

"I can brew up a potion for that if you'd like." he kindly offered.

"I can assure you it's alright," she smiled, "This is nothing."

"Well if you change your mind do let me know." he assured, "Dear I don't want you to work with any potions today, since the class hasn't begun yet will you please set the ingredients for today's assignment on the work stations." he handed her a list of essential ingredients as she smiled and nodded her head.

Lyra turned to the back facing the wall of ingredients by the entrance and began to gather four jars taking turns to set them down on the workstations.

"Are you positively not going to the ball?" a distinctive voice startled her while she was grabbing moonstone powder. "Merlin Tom," she whispered while he stood close to her, "You can't startle me like that." she sighed while he leveled his eyes. "No, I don't think I'll be going." Lyra brushed past him.

"Why is that?"

She hesitated for a second, "Sounds silly but I wanted to spend the night with you."

"With me?" he questioned with a smirk, "If you want to spend the night-".

"Not like that you idiot." she promptly kicked him, "I mean I wanted to do something special," she placed a jar of moonstone on the table, "like maybe sneak out the castle."

"And what would we do?" he naturally followed her to each table she went to.

"I've heard New York is beautiful at Christmas. I suppose it sounds stupid. I would go to the ball with you, but everyone already thinks something is going on between us. Going to a ball will just confirm that and I really don't want other people's thoughts and opinions on whatever this is."

"I have to go whether I like it or not, all Prefects must attend." it sounded as if he intentionally shot her idea down. "You," he gently pulled her closer by her flowing robe, her back almost touching his chest, "are mine. That's what this is."

"Always. Isn't that what you said this morning?"

"For eternity." he instantly reminded her she could practically smell him with the small distance between them.

Three simple little words that held not much meaning made her heart skip a beat. It's quite simple to soothe people with pleasant words, make one undoubtedly hear what they want in a moment. Lyra didn't know if his words held meaning or was just another one of his clever tricks but still played along.

After a few moments of eternal silence, "Will you be going with anyone." she hummed. "Actually don't answer that as long as you behave all is well."

"Behave?" he curiously asked.

"Yes." she turned smiling at him, "Behave." she cautiously raised her brow. "Now go sit you keep distracting me." she turned him and pushed Tom towards their table.

"The Phoenix is back." Lyra rolled her eyes at her new unlikeable nickname and looked to see who it was.

"Septimus!" they enthusiastically embraced in a hug with his back facing Tom as she observed him crumple a piece of parchment from anger. "Do not call me that you jerk." she punched his arm.

"Everyone's calling you that." he laughed delightedly, "Courtesy of Avery over there." She looked at Avery narrowing her eyes at him while he hid behind his bag. "Are you feeling alright?" Septimus stroked her shoulder causing Tom to rub his prominent chin gripping it while staring uneasily at the foolish boy's hand placement.

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