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"Have you guys seen Lyra or Mulciber? They've disappeared almost the whole day?" Gwen spoke out around the group having dinner at the great hall.

Lestrange and Nott took one look at each other while adding food to their plates, "Mulciber passed out in our room, on his own bed, cause where else would he be sleeping." Nott laughed nervously.

"Lenkrov as well went to grab her for breakfast, and she slammed the door in my face." Lestrange joined into the conversation.

"Since we're talking about Lyra." Malfoy spoke out, "What was that little stunt you two pulled last night?"

"What stunt?" Questioned Lestrange knowing he was talking about the kiss.

" Oh, I don't know, maybe the way you both kissed, wrapped in each other's arms," Rosier said in a lovey-dovey tone.

"It was a dare that's all. Anyway's Nott care to assist me in taking Lenkrov and Mulciber dinner."

"Can I come?" asked Avery.

"NO." they both yelled out before seizing a plate of food and leaving the great hall towards the common room.

Reaching Lyra's door they both sighed, "That was a close one." Nott exclaimed.

"What was a close one?"

They instantly turned, "MERLIN RIDDLE." Nott shouted, "Fuck mate you scared me."

"What was a close one?" he repeated himself once more.

"Ummmm Lestrange?" Questioned Nott.

"Lenkrov...Lenkrov..." he had to think of something.

The boys were scared to valiantly attempt to try to lie to Riddle, not knowing what he would do if he discovered Lyra and Mulciber spent the rest of the night and the entire day spaced up in her bed. Nott lightly knocked on the door sincerely hoping it was faint enough for Lyra to not hear and open.

Until Riddle muttered a mild spell unlocking the door and barged himself in. He stood still as he watched Lyra on the visible edge of the bed, her head buried onto the sheets and Mulciber to her right completely disappearing into the blanket they shared.

Slamming the door shut with him, Lestrange, and Nott standing in her room, she got startled at the sound and rolled off the bed.

She groaned loudly as Riddle stood over her, Lyra carefully opened her sore eyes, "Oh god am I having a nightmare." she croaked as she concealed her face with one hand and held out the other. He watched as she struggled to stand up for several minutes and got annoyed. He gripped her hand pulling her upright in front of him, she couldn't maintain her balance and supported her head onto his chest. "Don't push me off just give me a sec."

Raspberry lemon, smoke, lavender, and cherries.

They stood like that until Lyra could retain her balance and glanced up at him, "What happened to your face?" she reached out to see a small bruised presenting itself but he knocked her onto the bed before she could stroke him.

"Seems like you two had an entertaining night?"

"If by entertaining you mean gossiping and drinking excessively the night away then yes." Lyra rubbed her rosy face still tired.

"Well we bought you two food, eat up, Lestrange and I have practice goodbye now." they carefully set down the plate of food down next to her and scurried away.

Riddle took a seat in the chair across from her bed, while Lyra instantly began to dig into the food, she was starving.

"What?" she mumbled with her mouth full.

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