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"Veritaserum" he spoke out in a grave tone.

"Are you out of your mind?" she yelled standing up, not believing what the idiot was declaring, "I am not going to take veritaserum just to prove to you I'm not fucking my friends."

"Why? Afraid all the well-kept secrets you keep locked up will be revealed?"

"Tom," she sighed, "I have no reason to lie to you about this, you're the one I genuinely want. I understand we have to work on our trust, I keep things from you just as you have kept things from me. But I have been honest with you about many things about myself. Does that signify nothing to you?"

"Keeping things and lying remain two radically conflicting things. And you've lied to me the most, how do you want to work on our trust when I have none in you?"

"I don't have any in you either Tom don't act like we both haven't lied to each other, haven't kept things from one another." The pair was both right about their side of the argument. She had given him reasons not to rely on her words just as he had indicated her many reasons to not entirely trust his. "That's not what we're fighting about right now, you can't just expect me to stop hanging out with my friends because you don't believe me when I say there's nothing romantic going on between us."

"I've inadvertently seen it with my very eyes don't lie to me Lyra. The odd way you and Mulciber consume every waking moment together, how you and Nott whisper to each other and laugh in potions. Every time I spot you you're either glued to Mulciber or Nott so apologies if I reluctantly choose to not believe there isn't anything going on."

She let out a mocking laugh taken by surprise at his words placing her fingers over her chest in a dramatic pose, "Really? I spend every waking moment with those two? What about how I see you and Frey come to breakfast almost every morning with your robes both in a mess? Or how you two sneak off into a classroom at night? What do you two do together then? I can correctly assume it's not potions homework! In fact, I don't comprehend your petty jealousy at all," she narrowed her eyes at him, "we were never together then, fucks sake we aren't even together now, you made that very clear when you ran to her that morning."

"What I do with anyone is none of your business! And you are right we were never together. I would never lower my standards to be with someone like you!" he regarded her up and down, "Someone who cowers at the subtle touch of a stranger, someone who shakes at the mere mention of Clearwaters name. To be with someone as frail as you sicken me."

The considerable anger in her face crystallized with the mild expression of sadness at his harsh words, it felt like having a knife dug into her heart with him using Clearwater against her. Lyra furrowed her puzzled brows at him withdrawing slight steps back when he tried to reach for her, "Don't touch me." she whispered harshly with her hand up to establish a distance between them, "You're just so confusing," she sighed holding her forehead, "You're actions and words contradict one another. So why did you kiss me? Why did you hurt Clearwater and Adams? WHY HAVE YOU OPENED UP TO ME THEN IF I'M SO SICKENING TO YOU? Why? Fucking why did you save me then when I got poisoned? You should've let me die!"

"BECAUSE YOU'RE ALL I THINK ABOUT." he screamed rushing his fists up before spreading them in a claw shape, "Every second of every miserable day you're constantly on my fucking mind. Everywhere I look I see you, I can't even go to the library because all the books smell like you. I despise you, and yet..." he briefly paused before walking towards her as her back connected to the vanity." you're mine!" he growled ominously dropping his face close to hers. "I would've slaughtered them, carved their beating hearts out, and held it in my bare hands because of what those Gryffindors did to you. And when I find the person who poisoned you, believe me, I will find who did this to you when I'm done with them they'll beg me for death."

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