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It felt as if her soul was being sucked out, her head was spinning and it felt as if her whole body was being ripped apart from different directions.

Lyra opened her eyes to find herself laying on a cold stone floor, in a little street. Her head was pounding and her nose was bleeding, but other than that she was physically alright. Gathering up her strength she attempted to pull herself up and leaned against a wall. The strange thing is she recognized these walls and the path that laid before her.

Diagon Alley.

A place she's been to a million times to purchase books, quills, parchment and would even sneak off out of Hogwarts with Draco and Blaise to come to explore the streets while getting drunk off of Blaises ever long-lasting flask.

The memories of her time here flooded her immensely causing an even more severe head throb.

She pulled herself together and continued to walk down the stone path, where it was revealed Diagon Alley was once again the joyous place it used to be. With witches and Wizards flooding the areas. Happiness, laughter, and tunes playing. Children running around with their parents following right behind them.

Normal. It all seemed so normal.

The date. Lyra needed to find out if she successfully came to 1943, if she or Draco messed up there's no way for her to travel again without the potion. Running into the closest shop she saw, Ollivanders, walking in, quickly found herself being greeted by Garrick Ollivander. He stared at her for a moment, examining her.

"Good evening, apologies but I've been traveling for a few days and have seemed to forget the date. What's today?"

He looked exactly the same as she saw him for the first time in 1994 but his hair was a bit shorter.

"Are you looking for a wand Miss?"

"No I have a wand, thank you but could you tel-"

"May I see your wand then."

Growing impatient, she needed to know if this plan worked but nonetheless she pulled out her wand and handed it to Ollivander. He pulled the wand up to the light and examined it, bending it ever so lightly, and a shock came onto his face.

" 11 inches, phoenix core? and made of Acacia..." Ollivander stared at the wand and back at the owner. A smile crept across his face. "Acacia wood wands are the rarest of rares. I usually reserve them for special wizards. And it seems this model hasn't been sold yet at this time."

Lyra panicked, she's been here all of 10 minutes and had her cover blown. She started thinking of ways to lie to him, to explain the reasoning behind her wand.

"It seems you're here to do something very important, I will not get in the way of that. Your wand is extremely powerful, I hope I made the right decision in revealing this wand to you, whenever it may be. As for the date Miss, it's August 2, 1943." He handed her back the wand and disappeared in the towering shelves leaving her all alone.

August 2, 1943.

August 2, 1943.

The idiot sent her back almost a month before Hogwarts even began. Was it intentional or was it an accident? If only she swore and hit him when she had the chance to. She has no place to stay, knows no one, and has no way to contact anyone in the future.

"Might I suggest heading over to Gringotts?" She heard Ollivander speak hidden in the shelves.

That's right the envelope.Taking it out from her coat and quickly opening the package, to reveal her new identity, the information on the vault in Gringotts, a vault key and a letter? Draco hadn't told her there was a letter along as well.

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