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"SO PORTUGUESE WAS A LIE THEN HUH!" Yelled Nott waving his hands around her face.

"Portuguese was a lie." she corrected.

"Why, though? Why not just inform us you're a parselmouth?" Rosier naturally asked.

"Would you go around notifying people you're one?" she tilted her head arching her brows.


"Ya, that's what I believed. And if you're curious I'm not a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, I've done the blood tree already." Lyra spoke with relief.

"Leave," Riddle spoke out.

She grabbed onto Mulciber's bag and widened her eyes, "Don't you dare leave." she whispered.

"Sorry." he gathered his bag away from her grip and ran out with the rest.

She stood there nervously tapping her foot, "Spit it out, Riddle."

He declared nothing but took steps toward her, Lyra gulped as she backed away, her waist being stopped by a desk.

Riddle slammed his hands to her sides, placed them onto the desk, and tentatively titled his head.

She became flushed, trying to avert his eyes.

"What other secrets will I uncover about you still? Being a victim of The Cruciatus and A parselmouth." he tsked.

His hot breath hit her face as she however wouldn't look at him, "Look at me." she gradually turned to look at him.

He placed his thumb onto her cracked lips parting them, "So many vicious lies coming out from these lips." his aura felt dark and suffocating, and his prolonged stare forcibly sent a nervous shiver down to her crooked spine.

"As if you're so honest with me Riddle. What's with this obsession you have with my past."

Obsession. That's what it was, from the moment he saw her to currently hovering around her.

It was an obsession he's never had before, a woman, someone who could relentlessly drive him mad with nothing more of a sentence or touch. Someone he required to know every slight thing about.

"I don't appreciate liars. In fact, I despise them."

She left out a sarcastic laugh, "Ironic the pot calling the kettle black." She tried to force him away, but he wouldn't move and she placed her gentle hand onto his chest."Please move."

He slammed his hands down causing her to jump a little. He lowered his head an inch away from her chest, "What else are you hiding?"

She turned her head away, "It's none of your business."

He frantically grabbed onto her exposed neck forcing her to overlook him, "It became my personal business the moment you associate yourself with my people."

"Miss Lenkrov, Mr. Riddle, why are you still here?" Professor Rakepicks harsh voice cracked through them.

Riddle stepped aside and a genuine smile took over his cold emotionless face, "Ah professor, Lenkrov was shaken up after the duel so I merely stayed to help her." he lied so comfortably.

"That's very kind of you Riddle, now both of you get to class," she instantly ordered.

Riddle snatched Lyra's book bag and gestured to her to follow him out; when they exited the classroom she rapidly pulled her bag back and tried to run.

He instantly pulled at her robes, "Oh no you don't." and laboriously dragged her towards the library.

"Why are we here?" she questioned anxiously.

Perfidy | Tom Riddle |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن