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Before leaving her dormitory she critically examined the fresh set of purple and blue bruising Riddle had kindly left her with. Not worried about them being painfully visible, a simple cloaking spell was cast and all was well. Though it physically couldn't be observed, the pain definitely appeared if she moved her head too swiftly.

Skipping breakfast once again, a terrible habit she hated starting, Septimus and her met up by the library where a few fellow Gryffindors threw vicious looks at her but. Brushing them away the duo began to walk together to Slughorns laughing and sharing stories. When they arrived before entering the classroom, she merely paused for a bit hesitant on going in, her smile completely dropping as she'd have to see him once again,

"Is everything okay? You completely changed your attitude" Septimus reached out to place a calming hand onto her but without her notice, he shifted it away.

"Mhm?" snapping out of it. "Oh no I merely remembered I forgot something but oh well I can't go back and get it now." taking a few deep breaths they entered the classroom with her attention straying far away from their table. This wasn't like her, normally she would at the first chance plan ways to get back at someone, hurt them or get even. But that look he gave her, practically killing her sent a nervous shiver down her crooked spine.

Slughorn rushed frantically towards them with unusual excitement,

"Greetings Professor," Septimus and Lyra spoke in unison.

"Greetings you two, Ah Lenkrov, just the student I desperately wanted to speak to." She nervously eyed Septimus not wanting him to leave her side, but he didn't follow the hint and went to his seat.

"Well you very well might not know this, but I have a little club for my most talented and promising students. With your knowledge of potions and healing, you have displayed, I guarantee you'll represent an excellent addition. We meet every Wednesday at 8'oclock to discuss many things while dining."Many knew about his club in Hogwarts for most of the people she knew were a part of it, Draco, Neville, Blaise, Harry, and Hermione weekly would attend. Though she never was gifted enough at the time to join, she had accompanied them a few times.

"Professor I would love to, that sounds splendid and honestly I feel a little flattered with the personal compliment. Is there a specific dress code?" though it wasn't that big of a deal, she truly did feel flattered and a smile formed onto her face.

"My boy Riddle can divulge you all the minor details. If you excuse me, I must speak with Dumbledore." before she could process what was merely said to her he had already excused himself.

Riddle why is he repeatedly thrown into her life.

Lifting her head towards the table, she tried her best to avert his eyes because she knew she would very well explode. Taking another deep breath she walked to the head of it, to find they had completely changed their seating arrangement.

To her left was now Lestrange Riddle and Rosier, on her opposing side Malfoy and Avery, to the right Mulciber and Nott with a vacant seat next to him. And so she scurried over next to Nott greeting him and a few a good mornings to the rest. Taking out some parchment and dipping her quill into the ink she looked around to see everyone scribbling but had no idea what it was about.

Nott tapped her knee, "Hey I noticed you weren't at breakfast today so I swiped a raspberry lemon jam scone, you liked this flavor right ?" she looked to witness him unravel out a neatly wrapped napkin with the scone sitting perfectly on top. For the first time since being here, she felt touched the boy noticed her absence and managed to remember her favorite flavored sweet. Kindly accepting it and whispering a thank you to the boy she quickly munched down on it before the Professor came back.

Elbowing Nott with caution, "Hey what is everyone writing?" she whispered gently so others wouldn't overhear.

"I have no idea, I'm writing a list of snacks I'm going to get when we go to honeydukes on Friday." looking over to his parchment, he indeed did compile a whole list of sweets he planned on purchasing. "You want to come with me? They always ditch Mulciber and me."

"Honeydukes what's that?" very well apprehending what it was, she had to pretend everything seemed foreign to her, that she hadn't memorized every secret passage out of Hogwarts leading directly into Hogsmeade. How frequently she visited honeydukes that the workers always had her favorites wrapped up and prepared for her.

It was as if Nott's eyes lit up at her question leaning towards her in a low voice, "Just the most magnificent, scrumptious, mouth-watering bakery in the wizarding world. They've got everything like Choco Balls full of strawberry mousse and clotted cream, Chocolate Mint Swirl Fudge, Cauldron Cake which is made with six different kinds of chocolate, I bet you can't even name six different chocolates."

"I certainly can't name six dif-"

He picked up her hands observing the silver band on her thumb and the newly purchased black mermaid ring where its body wrapped around the finger, "There's also a magnificent jewelry shop, I noticed you seem to have a fondness for rings."

"I don't think I need any more jewelry, but I'll humbly accept the invitation to join you both if Mulciber is okay with it." they turned facing him and both blinked waiting for his response.

He rolled his eyes at the way the two were annoyingly observing him, "Oh great you want to place me a third wheel. No, absolutely not."

"Please if anything I feel like I'm going to be the third wheel between you and Nott. Plus I need to buy a dress for the slug club next week, I require a pleasant eye or two" laughed Lyra.

That's when she heard a quill drop and their attention was all focused on what she had just remarked.

They kept switching back and forth between Riddle and Lenkrov, scoffing Lestrange looked at her and laughed "Slughorn invited you to be a part of the slug club on your second day here? There's no need to lie, we're all members as well, it's just tragic."

"Oh, I'm lying am I? "We meet every Wednesday at 8 o'clock to discuss many things while dining" or was that something I also made up." she watched as his smile dropped and he faced Riddle. Then finally after averting this far she set her gaze onto him.

Without physical touch the memory of his frozen hands were presented, the menacing look in his eyes which desired a thirst for revenge. The rage in their hold had the power to eliminate those around them, the flames that had begun in the pit of her stomach had spread like a wildfire throughout every inch of her skin. Fire and Ice, for her anger, was as dangerous as boiling lava capable of destruction in an instant, and his which held the power of a dangerous snowstorm slowly dragging out death, making them both unpredictable, out of control.

She demanded him to burn.

He desired her to freeze.

Riddle gritted his teeth with such strength, possibly bursting them at any moment, Lyra's knuckles turned snow-white, the blood rushed to her cheeks essentially boiling up before exploding like a volcano.

Burn. Burn. Burn.

Her mind filled with the only thought that seemed to have been so powerful that the following event that happened all too fast scared Lyra of herself.

The contents in the cauldron centered around the table had burst violently with an unknown potion spewing all over his right hand fatally scorching Riddle. High velocities of pain traveled throughout his arm, the smell of searing flesh clouded her nose along with the vision of the fried nerves and veins gored out. He was in pain, screaming out in total agony, it felt as if acid was munching its way down to the bone. He wanted it to stop, for someone to desperately make it stop.

She visibly started shaking not knowing what to do, the sound of his screams echoing repeatedly into her ear. Everyone surrounded Riddle, while someone ran to go get Slughorn. The potion only hit him even though Lestrange was close enough to be warranted the same fate, but it didn't. No, she wanted Riddle to burn, not Lestrange.

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