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"You're making a mistake!" the voices overlapped each other.

Lyra turned to see herself surrounded by the members of the order standing in the center of them as they wrapped around her.

"Neville!" she ran towards him, but a barrier kept her apart, "Neville I'm so sorry I left, I didn't have time to tell you."

"You've killed us Lyra, You've doomed us all." he voiced out.

"You've killed us all," they spoke in harmony.

"Please I'm trying, I'm trying so hard but I can't remember!" she was screaming, pleading for them to understand, " I CAN'T REMEMBER, I can't remember," she kept murmuring it over and over again her head between her hands.

The voices suddenly stopped as she looked up to follow Tom standing in front of her, "Tom." Lyra sighed with relief, but he pressed a ceremonial knife deep into her chest, noting her as she fell to her knees coughing up visible blood.

"Why would you," she wheezed as the corrosive fluids engulfed her punctured lungs, "Why Tom?"

His frozen lifeless eyes connected her's as he crouched down, "You killed them all."

She woke up screaming covered in freezing sweat as she tried to regain her breath, holding her chest in the area Tom had plunged a knife in her. Clumsily trying to understand the unknown meaning of her hellish nightmare.

Were they all dead?

Did she fail?

Lyra glanced to her side to discover she was alone, that Tom had departed from her sometime in the night.

6:00 AM.

She assumed to herself that he had left presumably for prefect rounds and bounced her head back onto the pillow. Her body ached all over as she desperately tried to sit upon the edge of her bed, a slight gasp left her lips as she viewed herself in the mirror, glancing at his name carved into her breast.

Instantly pulling open her nightstand drawer she took out the potion the two had made for Slughorns and placed one drop on each hand-carved letter quickly healing. Not even the entire vial could possibly help her at this point, her hips and thighs bruised with his hand marks, the teeth marks that spread across her chest and neck. Purple bruising once again wrapped around her neck with love bites present almost all over her body. As she stood, she hissed in pain caused by his violent thrusts.

Holding onto the wall she led herself to the bathroom to take a relaxing bath. A slight movement of her wrist turned on the tap and began filling the tub to her preferred temperature. Dipping her toe in just the slightest to make sure it was warm enough, she carefully lowered her whole body in, flinching at the water precisely targeting her body.

As she leaned her head back Lyra traced her lips with her finger, lost in a hypnotic state. The things she allowed him to do to her now made her question why she enjoyed it, moreover why she allowed it. It all just felt confusing to her, would they act like it never happened? Or would they sit down and have a conversation about it? She angrily groaned at her confusion and ducked her head down all the way inside the tub.

With the snap of her fingers, Lyra's hair was now dry, exiting the bathroom she saw that Tom had wrapped her dress and placed it on the chair. Walking over to the cupboard she pulled out a dressing gown and stood in front of the mirror dragging her wand around herself hiding the marks.

It was still too early for her to do anything, so she slipped back into bed, her hand hovering anxiously over the vacant spot next to her. She flinched as she heard someone vigorously knock on her door, "Lyra Lenkrov open this door." Alastor?

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