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After deciding to spend the night at the infirmary instead of the Slytherin dormitories, not quite ready to face the rest of Mulciber, Avery's, and Nott's group. Lyra awoke to find her robes, books, and classes neatly set on the nightstand next to her, glancing over her shoulder Samuel had already gone.

While the infirmary empties, she rapidly changed into the uniform and robes she had missed wearing, putting them on for a moment set her back into her time when she changed into the robes on the train ride to Hogwarts. Not wanting to dwell in the past or the future? She scurried her books along with her bag and went to find her first class, Potions. After being ignored by three students, presumably due to her house symbol, she became agitated and tried to capture the attention of a ginger-haired Gryffindor student who definitely seems like a Weasley boy.

She nudged his shoulder with his attention now onto her, "Excuse me? I was wondering if you could advise me where Slughorn's classroom is." She would never admit this out loud to anyone, but Ron's ancestor was absolutely handsome, the signature firey Weasley hair, with little stars of freckles surrounding his nose and the emerald innocent eyes that hold such happiness in them. He smiled at her which she found odd seeing as he was the first person today to greet her with one instead of a cold shoulder.

"Professor Slughorn for potions yes?" she grinned back and bobbed her head. "Well I'm on my way there also, looks like we have a class together." he gave her a dazed look of bewilderment.

"Lyra, my name's Lyra Lenkrov." Extending her hand hoping he wouldn't refuse it, he took it in and gave a handful shake, "Septimus Weasley." She knew it.

They initiated to walk and surprisingly had started a conversation, he had asked about which areas she's interested in, informed her Slughorn is the Slytherin house head and asked if she's had the time to be introduced to her house's Prefect and accommodate herself with their common room. To which she replied that she retained an interest in the dark arts and that unfortunately, she spent the night in the infirmary instead of her dorms.

Reaching the classroom he held the door for her to walk in and the massive bang that erupted from behind them caused all heads to turn onto the two. Walking towards Slughorn she realized they were late, not wanting Weasley to get in trouble before Slughorn could state anything, she introduced herself once more, "Hello Professor Slughorn, I'm your new student Lyra Lenkrov, I must apologize for Septimus was late because he was helping me with my way around the castle."

"Oh hello dear, yes I've heard about you this morning, Dumbledore had informed me my house had welcomed its newest pupil. How kind of you Weasley in showing her around, five points awarded to Gryffindor ." The Slytherin and the Gryffindor exchanged looks, with him being extremely happy to be awarded points, he then took his place amongst a group of his friends.

"Well, at this time we're going to be making a potion that requires a group, just in luck you can sit with your fellow household peers and get to know one another." he smiled at her pointing to the group who were Avery, Nott, Malfoy, Mulciber with two others and him. There was absolute certainty it was the boy who she dueled, gifting one another a scar to permanently remember each other, were all sitting together around the tables.

She and the boy held their eye-contact both visibly knowing who they were. As carved as his face and jaw seemed to be all she desired at that moment was to insert his head into the cauldron. Looking back at Slughorn "Professor this group seems quite engaged, if it's alright with you I can certainly work on my o-"

"Oh don't be ridiculous there's always room for a fellow Slytherin." his voice seemed honeylike and his words voiced with such softness, with the combination with that face is enough to cause anyone to melt. Then so, Slughorn devoted his attention away to a student asking a question about something.

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