Lyra startled Tom when she pulled back the shower curtain. "Why are you taking a shower in my dorm?" she asked.

"Bloody hell!" Tom screamed, almost slipping, "Fuck I've got soap in my eye."

Lyra stepped into the shower, fully clothed, and assisted him in washing away the burning sensation in his eye, "Well this is a nice surprise," Tom smiled once his vision was clear, "Also your water pressure seems to be better than mine that's why." his hands naturally slithered to her lower back.

"I did not enter this shower for that," she brushed him off stepping out of the tub only for Tom to grip Lyras hips and strained her back, "Tom Riddle you have a ball to get ready for." his head rested on the crevice of her neck.

"That can wait. I have much more important things to do."

"There will be no doing of any kind." she brushed him away slipping out of the shower. She stood in front of the fogged mirror she held out her palm granting her wand to fly into it. "Fervens Aeris" Lyra cast, a burst of hot air dried her in a matter of seconds.

She stepped out of the bathroom setting with Tom following right behind her. Lyra walked to her cupboard to set out the dress robes Tom had placed inside earlier in the day. When she turned Lyra marked Tom standing in front of her vanity mirror with a towel wrapped round his waist, his hair wet with little droplets escaping to his face. Her mouth gaped open with his dress robes held up as she froze admiring his toned-out body, gazing at the fresh set of scratch marks she had graciously left the day before.

He never healed nor hid the marks Lyra would leave behind during their intimate moments. Since their reconciliation in the potion classroom, courtesy of Mulciber, Lyra also stopped healing and eclipsing the marks Tom would leave behind. Only if there were visible marks round her skin such as her neck, would he then allow her to cover them.

Tom noticed through the mirror how Lyra's eyes were inspecting his exposed upper body and smirked to himself, "Now darling if you keep looking at me like that, you might not be fit to walk tomorrow."

Lyra hid back a smile when she looked at him through the mirror. "I would be cautious with that threat. Remember only yesterday what had happened in the transfiguration classroom."

"I seem to recall someone shaking uncontrollably merely after the third time."

"Mhm," Lyra narrowed her eyes, "And who was begging me like a good boy to-"

"Finish that remark," he leaned on the vanity with both palms facing down, still gazing at her through the mirror. Lyra compressed her lips together to silence herself.

She moved to the edge of her bed, the opposite side to where he stood, and neatly spread out his clothes to change into.

"I figured since we're going to be apart for Christmas tomorrow," said Tom, getting Lyra's attention," That I give your gift now." he reached inside the pocket of his uniform trousers that were folded on her vanity, instantly straining his hand behind his back.

Lyra looked at him with worry, "Tom, I didn't even get you a gift that's not fair." she complained, "I didn't know we were going to exchange gifts for Christmas."

"Stop complaining and close your eyes," Tom said as he walked up to Lyra transferring her in front of the mirror with her back pressing against his chest. Her eyes were fastened as he instructed. Tom held up her gift with hesitation, self-debating if such a gift with a horrible history is worth giving to Lyra. Nonetheless, he clasped her gift round her neck.

Lyra uncovered her eyes and let a faint gasp escape her lips. Her fingers trailed to the necklace Tom clasped round her neck. She observed the small black pendant with a golden snake wrapped round the body, its head resting on top of it with two green-eyed jewels. "Tom this is- it's beautiful," her eyes trailed back to his with worry, "It looks quite expensive."

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