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I was nearing the end of our story. One that I never would have imagined that I would be telling this story. And even though Junko was guaranteed to die in a few minutes, I didn't know how this story would end. I didn't know if Izuru really loved me, I didn't know if I wanted to spend to rest of my life with him, and I didn't know if I was actually saving the world.

I found the door was locked, so he busted it down. All the lights were off and nobody seemed to be there.
"Hello? Junko? Ryota?" I hesitantly called out. I was surprised that Ryota of all people left, but it also left me with more anxiety.
"Izuru let's leave, I don't think anyone is-"

"Hello there, peasants." I heard Junko say. The lights turned on she spun her chair to face us. "I expected your arrival."
"Then... you must know why we're here."
"No, but I have two theories." She held out a 1 on her finger. "You're willing to partner with me to help with spreading despair." She held out a 2 on her fingers. "Or you're going to kill me. Which is it?"
"We're here to kill you. Or, Izuru's here to kill you, and I'm here to puke in my mouth watching."

"I wish I could do something to stop you, but I'm smart enough to know that it's impossible to beat you. I know, I know, it's a pathetic death for me, but there's nothing I can do about it." I sighed in relief, and as I was just about to say a badass line, she continued talking.
"Except... There's something I CAN do about it." She snickered. "The moment my heart stops beating, I've programmed a chip I put in my heart that will send a text message to Mukuro that I have died. I've recently told her that once she gets the text, to kill Chiaki Nanami immediately." My heart stopped, I couldn't believe it. I had a hunch that she prepared for this, but I didn't actually think she would be able to do something about it!

"So... are you still going to kill me?" I thought about it while panicking. The obvious answer was to continue the plan of killing Junko. I would rather live in a world where the world is safe than the one I kept seeing in my dreams. But I couldn't kill Chiaki.
"What would Chiaki want you to do?" Izuru asked.
"She would sacrifice herself, no doubt!"
"Then you have your answer." No, I didn't! I didn't want Chiaki to die.
"I'm killing her no matter what you tell me, I don't want to live in a despair world, and I couldn't care less about Chiaki." So Chiaki was going to die, huh. Perfect. There's no such thing as a happy ending, even if me and Izuru live happily ever after.

"Fine then, kill Junko. If that means saving the world... I guess I could sacrifice her."
"Aw, that really sucks for me. Double Whammy! I die, and no despair, boo-hoo. Well, at least someone dies, so I get to take home some money." I started tearing up. I exit the room so I won't have to see the gore. It would only take a few seconds, and I might not even be able to hear Junko scream. Maybe he'll end up painlessly killing her, I'm sure he knows how.

My tears hit the floor as I hear Junko scream even louder than I would have expected. I assumed Izuru decided to kill her slowly and painfully for almost destiny the world, and causing me so much pain. I wish he would stop and just end it already. I want to get this over with. I want Chiaki to die quicker so I won't have to think about how she's going to die soon anymore. But I also like it. I want Junko to feel all this pain, I want her to suffer a gruesome, horrible death. My feelings conflicted with each other, making me feel nothing. Finally, I hear her stop, and I could assume she had finally died. I was gratefully, but I couldn't stop crying. Izuru came out, his hands, face, and torso bloody.

"She's dead."
"I know, and Chiaki's probably dead already too."
"You think so? I just killed her and I don't know how fast Mukuro can run to Chiaki."
"You're right, she's going to die in a few seconds though."
"I'm guessing you don't want to see her."
"I would love to see her right now, but I'm too ashamed to face her, even if she's still alive by the time we get there."
"Then let's go home."

The next day, we didn't have school. The staff was planning a funeral for Chiaki. And honestly, I didn't want to live anymore either. I was the real one responsible for her death, and I didn't want to live with that guilt. The whole day felt full, even with Izuru right by my side.
"Izuru, can you kill me?"
"No, stop asking me," I asked him about once every 10 minutes that day.
"But I don't want to live anymore."
"I know, but I don't want to live without you."
"Then how about you kill me, then kill yourself afterward. Lovers suicide seems like a fitting way to end. It would benefit both of us. You're probably bored with the world right now, so neither of us have a point in living anymore, right? We both completed our goals, so we can both die in peace."
"No, I'm not killing you or myself." He huffed. "Look, I know you're depressed about Chiaki's death, but you need to grow up and get over it. Why did you save the entire world if you're not going to live in it? Why did you save me if you want me to kill myself? You can't just end everything because one thing didn't go according to plan." I thought about why he said. He was completely right, but I didn't want to accept it. I started crying and Izuru held me. Me from one year in the future would be mad at myself for being such a baby. But here I was.

I didn't end up killing myself or Izuru that day, and I lived like a normal student at Hope's Peak Academy. I made some new friends and didn't tell anyone about the grief I was feeling. But every day, I came back "home" to Izuru. Sometimes, we would go outside and have a fun day, but it was normally what it looked like in the last dream I had. I didn't have any dreams after that, signifying I was at the bare minimum okay with the life I was living. I can't say I'm glad about all the options I took, but I can't say I'm unhappy either. My life became a bittersweet tragedy after that.

You can decide if you're happy with it or not.

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