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I had to go to school today. While I'm normally dreading school, today wouldn't be too bad. Because at school; is where I would find the first way to get Izuru to smile. What do I picture when I think of the word "smile"? I get Chiaki Nanami. And even if that doesn't work, we have Nagito. He would maybe help in some way-I have no idea how though.
"Chiaki!" I called out.
"Y/n?" She looked up from her game as we were walking home from school.
"Do you have any plans right now?"
"No, just play video games. Do you need something?"
"Me and Nagito were going somewhere." He quit hiding behind me to reveal himself to Chiaki. "Do you want to come?"
"Sure, that'd be great. Where are we going?" I debated with myself whether I should tell her or wait until she figures it out on her own.
"You'll see."

All three of us walked down the hallway holding hands. Chiaki tried to hide it, but I could tell she was scared. Nagito on the other hand was perfectly fine. The guards stopped us again but I saw I was with them so they reluctantly let us through. I could tell they didn't want us, too many people were exposed to the knowledge of Kamukura's existence.
"What have you brought today?"
"Two of my friends from school. Chiaki Nanami and Nagito Komaeda." The room was pitch black so you could barely see him, but his glowing red eyes made him much more noticeable.
"Why are they here?"
"They're hopefully going to make you smile." I took a few steps closer to Izuru, taking my friends with me.
"Don't be shy, he won't bite!" I tried to reassure. "Actually, he might bite. Just don't get on his bad side."
"Why is it so dark in here?" Nagito asked. Izuru answered before I got a chance.
"Because I like it that way, do you have a problem with it?"
"No, not at all."

I took a few more steps closer I looked over to Chiaki who didn't say a word yet. I saw her squinting even in the darkness to try to get a better look. Then she noticed him. Chiaki let go of my hand and ran up to Izuru.
"Hajime!" She called out. "Hajime!"
"Are you referring to me? I am not Hajime. I am Izuru Kamukura."
"No! You're Hajime!" Was it really possible....he was Hajime before the experiment? I'm surprised I could even remember Hajime. He was so ordinary, almost everyone would forget about him. But he had a familiar Aura to him.
"It does not matter. I am not Hajime; anymore, at least. Whoever I was before the experiment, does not concern me right now."

"Who is Hajime? And how is he a different person?"
"It's hard to explain, but Hajime was Chiaki's best friend, I saw him only once so I don't know him that well. Izuru is the Ultimate Hope, he was created by scientists who wanted to make the perfect human, a human with every talent in the world." I explained.
"Ah, so the title "Ultimate Hope" has been taken already? What a shame, I thought I could hold that title one day." Ha! As if he could've gotten it if it was available. He almost fills me with more despair than Junko...almost.

"I don't understand. You're Hajime!"
"Chiaki... let's not be rash, you're supposed to help me make him smile, not feel worse."
"Why?! Why did Hajime do this?! It was my fault, wasn't it? I talked him into it, didn't I?"
"I-I'm sure that's not true-"
"I can't stay here anymore!" I tried to stop her, but Chiaki ran out, crying. Even now, I have no idea where she could have gone.

I had no choice, I didn't know how he would do it, but Nagito had to help me. It was practically hopeless, I gag whenever I see Nagito, how could he make someone smile? Why do I need to do this anyway? I'm just being selfish.
"You're not being selfish," Izuru said like he heard my thoughts. "You're trying to save everyone from despair, I don't see how that's selfish at all." It looks like Izuru doesn't get me after all. I don't care if everyone goes insane, some people I would rather be suffering, I'm doing this so I don't have to feel pain in the future.
"Nagito, do you think you can make him smile?'
"Seems easy enough. He's just an emo." I try to hold back a laugh but failed.
"Okay then, do your thing." I sarcastically reply.

"Izuru Kamukura. Apparently, you're the Ultimate Hope. Can you show me what you can do?" Izuru shook his head. "I see, you don't want to listen to me. I don't know why I have to do this, but I have to make you smile, can you tell me why?"
"Because I made a bet with Y/n, I told her if she could make me smile, I wouldn't help Junko create despair."
"Despair? Well, I certainly can't let that happen. But this is so short notice that I don't know if I can do it."
"Please Nagito, the world will end if he doesn't smile at least once!"

"...A drunk homophobe walks into a gay bar. He yells “You are all fucking assholes!” A man in the back replies ""No, honey. Some of us are bottoms."" That was a pretty damn bad joke. But he had to keep telling them. I wanted to know if jokes could make him smile. If not, I'll have to think of something more advanced.

"What’s the difference between hungry and horny? Where you put the cucumber."

"Guess who I bumped into on the way to the eye doctor?"
"Who?" I asked sarcastically, still not enjoying the jokes.

"2 condoms are walking past a gay bar.
One of them says to the other "Let's go in there and get absolutely shit-faced!"

"What's the Difference Between a Teacher and a Train? The teacher says "Spit your gum out" and the train says, "Chew, chew!"" Actually, I think I'm done with dad jokes for the rest of my life.

But even with the jokes, Izuru didn't smile.
"I'm especially bored now, I don't want to be "entertained" anymore."
"Sorry y/n, I tried my best." Nagito patted my back and walked out through the door. So plan A did not work. I'll have to try again another day.

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