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So...she was talking about Ryota? Not Kamukura? I was still on the floor crying before I decided to get up. Junko wasn't going to hold me back anymore, I would become my person, not brainwashed by her stupid video. I figured the guards Mukuro killed would still be dead without any replacing guards. I would be going to talk to Kamukura myself.

The long hallway filled me with even more despair, more than I thought possible. The dread and anxiety almost caused me to collapse, the only thing not letting me do that was the thought of finally meeting him. As I predicted, the door was still open, and I saw his shadow, just waiting for me to come. I tip-toed over there deciding if it was really a good idea or not to see him.

"What are you waiting for?" The boy called out. I made a tiny 'eek' sound, startled by him.
"Are you...Izuru Kamukura?"
"Yes, that is my name."
"...Are you...going to ask for my name?" My whole body was shaking, it may have seemed I was at least the slightest bit calm on the outside, but on the inside I was freaking out.
"No, I am not."
"Oh, I just came here to talk to you." He lifted his hand and signed me to come closer to him.

"I have a question, who are you?"
"I was an experiment made to be the perfect human, I am the ultimate hope, possessive of every talent you could imagine."
"Even my talent?"
"Even your talent." I looked down at the floor, too afraid to continue the conversation.
"Who were you before the experiment?"
"I have no memory of my life before then. Nor do I care about that life, I am who I am now and I am fine with it. Although, I wish it were not so boring all the time." I accidentally burst out in laughter.

"Bahahaha! Sorry, sorry. Oh wow, you really are like Junko aren't you?"
"The girl who came earlier today? She also said that we were alike." I had lightened up the mood for myself, but I can't say that I wasn't still afraid.
"I don't want this world to plummet into despair, I know she's trying to convince you to go on her side, but is there any way I can make you not do that?" I smiled
"No, if what she shows me is intriguing, then I will be on her side."
"That sucks, so there's nothing I can do about it, huh? Why did I even think I could? I'm so stupid. Can I ask you another question? Can your dreams be glimpses of the future?"

"I doubt it, but you are the ultimate hypnosis, right? There might be a way for you to see it."
"So if there is, what I saw in my dream might be what happens if Junko wins. What I saw, everything was destroyed, buildings were on fire, I could hear screams of children, every time I wake up, it's the first thing I think of. I don't understand how Junko could like that. That was the worse experience I ever felt and it might not even be real." I said, finally getting serious again.
"I do not care if the world ends up like that. It's bound to happen eventually, I have no faith in humanity."

I finally looked him in the eyes.
"I might not be able to convince you, but I can still try to convince everyone else. Kamukura, I had a fun time talking with you, I hope we can do it again." I chirped
"I can tell. You're different than most people. Your beliefs are not based on hope, necessarily. You are the first person who I can't predict, you intrigue me, I will find a way for us to talk again." I didn't actually expect him to agree with us talking again, but I'm happy that we can again someday.

The Butterfly Effect | Izuru Kamukura x female readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat