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I woke up in a bed, Izuru's bed...again. The deadline was getting closer, I only had a few more days until all hope was lost. For me, and the world. There were some people who I wish got to experience the apocalypse. I didn't want to say my parents, but I didn't want to lie either. It was Saturday, the perfect day to go out with him, and I was bringing someone along.

"This is the girl who you introduced me to that day." He stared at Chiaki, looking all over her body, I could tell she was getting uncomfortable. The other day, Chiaki gave me the idea to take him to an amusement park, and since I owed her, she came along with us. But this wasn't just any theme park, it was probably the best theme park in the world. They had the best attractions with the biggest thrills. To say the least, it cost me almost all of my money to get us in, and I'm pretty rich! But it doesn't matter, I'll probably have no need to worry about it if this doesn't work.
"This should be fun, I barely get outside of the house." Chiaki tried to cheer him up. She didn't know it, but I would say he was already pretty happy.
"I don't think I've ever been to an amusement park, that'll be a new experience for both of us." Chiaki was wearing a pastel pink miniskirt and a black cat hoodie...I wonder how many of those she had. I was wearing a horizon colored sleeveless dress with a front pocket. Underneath I was wearing a negroni off-shoulder puff sleeve top. I tried picking the cutest outfit I had.
"Where should we go first?"
"How about we go on the Ferris wheel?" Chiaki suggested. "That's a great idea!"

This was the biggest Ferris wheel I've ever seen in my whole life. But inside the kart was amazing. I paid to stay in there for twenty-four minutes. Inside there was bar service, food service, massage chairs, streaming service, a jacuzzi, a telescopic roof, and a deluxe dinner. Basically, everything that you would find in a five-star hotel, but on a Ferris wheel.
"I can't believe there's a jacuzzi in here!" Chiaki beamed. She proceeded to take off her hoodie and underneath was her bathing suit. I told her to bring one because there was a water ride I wanted to go on. I was also wearing a bathing suit but I forgot to tell Izuru to wear one, assuming he even had one. I instead went to lay down on the massage chair and grabbed a Dr. Pepper, aka, the best drink in the world from the cooler. Izuru was in the other massage chair, not talking to us.

"So, how are you liking the day so far?"
"It's fine. Boring, but I can tell you're trying." Both me and Chiaki stared at him in confusion. I don't understand how this couldn't be fun! This is the most fun I've had in a while. It's better because of Chiaki though, she actually cares about me.
"They should be asking us what we want to eat soon. They left us a menu." This was seriously crazy though, this wasn't even a Ferris wheel anymore, it was a five-star hotel.
"I kinda want some calamari," Chiaki answered, leaning a bit back in the jacuzzi. "I don't know. I could make anything better than what they can, no matter how good their chefs are."
"Fine then, you won't get anything!" I was really get annoyed with him, I knew he never wanted to smile, but he could be so ungrateful at times! I decided I wanted to have a roasted duck, I've never had it before and wanted to try something new before I...

"Okay, I'll order for just us when we get down, we can relax for a while." I half wanted to get in the jacuzzi with Chiaki, but I didn't really want to take off my clothes. It's not that I cared about Chiaki seeing me--there was nothing to worry about with her, but it was Izuru. Every time I got undressed in front of him, it's always been awkward, but ever since last week, it's been very hard to do it.

Me and Chiaki were the only ones who chatted with each other, Izuru just laid back clearly not enjoying his time. We ate the dinner and after the twenty-four minutes of deluxe service, we had to get out.
"I was thinking we could go on the roller coaster next." To my right, there was a humongous roller coaster. There were many places that had you going upside down and by watching everyone else riding it, I can confirm I might get sick after riding.
"Ooooooh this looks fun!" I took both of their hands and dragged them over to the coaster.

You would expect a long line for any of these amazing rides but since nobody could afford any of the rides, there weren't too many people at the park, and thus, the lines were very short. I could see from the top of someone's head that at the beginning we go through a tunnel then immediately go up and then upsidedown. The coaster twists in the other direction and dips into the water (which was green to emulate poison (there were also "dead bodies" floating around)) and goes back upside down again in a giant loop. We go above the cave and with a few sharp turns we go into another loop and then into the cave. We fall down and repeat for a few times. There was a luscious forest scenery and a giant black cobra in the middle of the ride for decoration. Just thinking about it made me sick and I subconsciously held tightly to Izuru's arm. He looked at me while raising one eyebrow, obviously confused but never telling me to get off I stayed there. I don't know what it is about Izuru but he brings me comfort. I guess it's because he's not afraid of anything so I think that he will protect me. But inside I know that he won't, he's toying with my emotions and it's definitely working.

Soon enough, it was our turn. Chiaki seemed to be the most excited out of the three of us and couldn't wait to get on. I got in next to her and Izuru next to me. I was still holding his arm but he stopped looking at me oddly.
"To be honest I'm kind of scared." I shivered, but they must have already known with the look they were giving me. The track was so stable that it didn't need any beams to support it, which made me worry even more. I tried my best to be brave but my stomach begged to differ. Without having any time to think about it, we launched into motion and I immediately forgot why I suggested we'd do this.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I yelled the whole time, almost losing my voice and squeezing Izuru's arm so tight it probably hurt even for him. We were going a mile a minute, I couldn't understand how Izuru and Chiaki weren't screaming like me. Chiaki must have seen how scared I was and held my hand. I stopped crying for a moment and looked at her smiling at me with a tint of pink on her cheeks. For a second, I forgot I was on a roller coaster and Chiaki's face was the only thing in the world. Everything was in slow motion and it felt much longer than a second looking into her beautiful pink eyes. Then we went into the cave and I suddenly remembered everything and started screaming again. I clung back onto Izuru's arm and completely forgot about Chiaki.

When we got off, I was wobbling to the exit. Chiaki was helping me stand and Izuru was tapping his feet; waiting for us. "T-That was c-crazy." I barely managed to spit out. Chiaki was giggling at me but still helping a lot.
"We should go on a more tame ride next," Izuru suggests. "No! We're going on the jungle ride!" I've heard the jungle ride was also pretty wild. To say the least, I was "completely prepared". But before I could stumble my way to the ride, Chiaki notices there were a bunch of people lined up in front of a booth. "What's that all about?" I say as I walk over to it like a drunk man.

"It seems like they took our photos while we were riding." I pushed my way in front of the other people like a dick and snatch the photo out of the man's hand. Chiaki looked like she was having the time of her life while Izuru had a still face looking in the other direction of the camera. I had my arms wrapped around his and my face...well, I had my eyes closed but you could tell there were tears coming from it. I looked like I was stabbed and was bleeding to death with the look on my face. It was hilarious.
"Chiaki, you have to see this!" I cracked out while laughing. She came over and took a look at the photo. She snorted loudly then started cracking up. "Your face is crazy!"
"I know, right?!" Just as we were done laughing, I took Chiaki's hand as she tried balancing me and headed off in the direction of the jungle ride. I assumed Izuru didn't care about the photo so I left without showing him.

"Go on without me, I want to see this photo." I was genuinely surprised he was interested but didn't make a big deal out of it knowing it wouldn't be enough to make him smile. We walked without him and I was excited to have fun with Chiaki as I was still mad at Izuru.
"Kehehe." I hear a chuckle coming from behind me. I turn my back because it sort of sounded like Izuru. I knew that was impossible though, he would never laugh at something so silly as that. He stared back at me confusingly and I assumed it was another person or just my imagination.

The Butterfly Effect | Izuru Kamukura x female readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora