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I woke up in my bed, I knew it wasn't mine, but Izuru's. For a first, he was still sleeping when I woke up. I was cuddled up in his arms that made me want to go back to bed. I must've woke up before 6:30 or else he would be the one to get me on my feet.

I could pinpoint the exact moment I fell in love with him and every little detail that made me love him more. It was when he kissed me in the dream, I'd never felt anything like it before, and I wanted more. I only began to accept the feelings yesterday when I learned about his past. It felt comforting knowing I knew him better than he knew himself. I could also use this to my advantage. I recalled that he once told me in his dream that "Even through all my messing with you, deep within my cold heart, there's a little fire that's crazy for you. I think it's the little that remains of the person I used to be." Which meant I can manipulate him without him even knowing it.

That one day when Izuru hugged me and I saw through his act, I felt a pain in my chest knowing that I might fall into his trap and fall in love with him. Too bad it already happen. Even though I've only been in 2 timelines, I think all of them include me falling in love with him and Izuru not loving me back. Sad? Yes. But good for me? ....Maybe. I feared that I would go insane for him again.

Look, all I want is for him to call me "darling" again and to feel the warmth of his arms. While I was cuddled in his arms right now, they weren't that comforting knowing he didn't love me back.

I removed his arms from my stomach and finally got to breathe enough air to fill in one gasp. Instead of leaving the bed to change into my school uniform, I left it to go get my stuff. After I got a hair tie and a comb, I climbed on top of him, pulling his long hair under my legs out. I giggled slightly while trying to hide my amusement. I brushed his hair as gently as possible while still trying to not wake him up. Though, it was entirely possible he was already awake. Blushing a little, after I was done I split his hair into three parts and tried my best to make a braid.

"What are you doing?" He groaned, finally waking up. He tilted his head to look at me but I pushed it back down.
"Don't move your head, it'll ruin it." I proceeded to cross the strains until I got to his tips.
"Man, you really need to get your hair cut."
"Why? I like it like this. I think it's stylish." I couldn't argue with him. It was pretty hot. I think his scale of unattractiveness to attractiveness would go down if he didn't have the long flowing hair. I still pondered how he could see with it in his face constantly.

"There, it's done. I would've done a better job if I could actually see in here. Why don't you have any lights?" I climbed down from the bed and waited for his reaction.
"It's not my style...but it doesn't look too bad." Mission complete.

Today, I felt really bad for Chiaki. One day, I took her to see a guy she never met and she got scarred from the sight. I now knew the person she saw in him was actually Hajime and I felt bad for not talking to her this whole time. Besides, I needed a new friend after Junko became my enemy.
"Hey, Chiaki!" I kept waving to her hoping she would notice. It took a while since she was playing video games though.
"Y/n? Do you need something?"
"Yep! I need you to talk with me!" I gave her a big hug hoping she would hug me back and accept my "apology".
"You seem cheerful today. What do you wanna talk about?" We both stopped in our tracks in walking to school.
"I just wanted to apologize to you. You saw Izuru and you ran out crying and I never came to talk to you. I feel really bad." I have her another hug and this time she hugged back. A small wind blew my hair forward as a shiver went down my spine. I could overhear the bells from the school chime, notifying us that we were late for school.

"And then, get this, this skinny boy just comes up out of nowhere and challenges him to a dual!" Chiaki giggled a little and I saw her probably the happiest I have ever seen her before.
"Why didn't you invite me? I would have loved to come play video games with you."
"I didn't think about it at the time. Maybe you can come with us next time, which will probably be soon."
"Sure!" Beamed Chiaki. I loved seeing her this happy. I would do almost anything to keep that smile on her face forever. In class, we were talking the whole time, we even made a promise to become best friends. It was a pretty nice least before Junko showed up.

"Oh hey Y/n! Didn't think I'd see ya here!"
"Oh hi, Junko!" I said nonchalantly. "I didn't know you were coming to school today." Normally, Junko wouldn't come to school.
" was a tough decision. But I wanna see my class again." Chiaki stared at her in awe.
"Wait...was she your old best friend?" For a second, I forgot that Junko was going to end the world.
"Mhm, something happened to us and we fell apart."
"Exactly! But I wish we coulda stayed friends. It's her fault entirely!"

"Oh hey, I was gonna ask you. Do you know where Matsuda is right now? I need to ask him something."
"Yeah, he's in his dorm. At least I think. He doesn't really go anywhere else." Matsuda. Me, him, and Junko were best friends. I wonder if he knows what Junko's planning.
"Sorry Chiaki, I have to go. Maybe we can hang out again tomorrow?" She nodded her head and went to pull her Gameboy out.

I knocked on his door. "Matsuda! Can I come in?! It's me, Y/n!" It took a while for a response, but he eventually said yes. I opened the door to see a cluttered room with manga thrown on the floor and crumbs just about everywhere. There was also a machine in the corner which was the thing I was after.
"It's been a while, huh."
"Yeah. I need to ask you for a favor."

I told him about the strange dreams I was having where I knew I was dreaming, but couldn't make it entirely lucid. He suggested everything except the conclusion I came to trying to deny it no matter how much his answer made sense compared to mine.
"Then I'll have to read your brain waves." I was willing to do it. I needed answers on how I could see the future as soon as possible. But I doubt the same could happen again. I think I only have the dreams when I changed the future, which I don't think I did yet. He played me down on his bed and gave me some melatonin. I began to grow tired...and even more tired...until I drifted off to sleep.

The Butterfly Effect | Izuru Kamukura x female readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें