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I woke up in Izuru's bed. He was shaking me awake and whispering my name. "Wake up Y/n." I slowly open my eyes, disappointed. I didn't have a dream so today I had to resort to my last option.

"Whaaaaaaaat?" I groaned. "Get dressed. I want to take you somewhere. Somewhere I might smile." I shot my head up but quickly reminded myself that he himself told me it was near impossible. Though I was curious what Izuru would smile from so I let him drag me around.

I got dressed and we headed out. We didn't take a car or any vehicles but we were walking to wherever he was taking me. We had been walking for a long time and I was getting sick and tired of it. "Izuru, when will we get there?!" I complained.
"We are here. Haven't you noticed yet? All the attempts you've made were to get me to smile by having a fun-packed day."
"Yeah? Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? And how does this relate to where we are?"
"Did you ever consider I would smile from being on a calm relaxing walk?" I feel dumb now. It never hit me that he would smile that way. I don't understand how it didn't hit me, but at least this might work. But if he doesn't smile, then it becomes a problem. "Right now, we're in Towa City. It's pretty popular, so you've probably heard of it."
"Yeah, but I've never been here." I didn't understand why but the buildings around me felt familiar. I had definitely seen them before somewhere but I couldn't place my finger on it.

We kept walking some more, hand in hand and not even a crack in his face. "Are you sure you'll smile this way? You seem pretty bored right now.," He brushed his hair back. "I'm actually not, but it's not enough to make me smile. You've probably lost the bet already. I don't see myself smiling in the future." If only he knew I was doing this for him. He was the one who told me he didn't want the apocalypse reality. But I'm more towards putting the blame on the Izuru from that dream. I didn't know what he expected me to do that would make him smile.

I was really getting tired now and my legs almost passed out. Not yet, you still have to change the future I tried saying to myself. I looked around more at the scenery to try and see if I recognized it more. I was right, I swear I've seen all of these buildings before. That wasn't explained until I saw the building I actually remembered.
"Izuru, I want to go in there." I pointed towards an ugly long gray building with a flat roof. It was the building I woke from each time I had the dreams. "Okay, I guess we can." The building was still abandoned even before the apocalypse surprisingly enough.

I dreadingly walk up the stairs that I hated so much. It was even worse that my legs were already close to giving up, Izuru even had to help me stand. When we finally got up to the roof, it was nice to look over all the buildings without so much smoke and screaming. It made it more peaceful than it actually was. I could breathe in the air without coughing it up and I realized how lucky I was to have this air. This would probably be the last time I would ever have it though, so I had to take it all in. I couldn't tell if Izuru thought I was weird for taking such big breaths or if he understood why I was doing it. I looked at him and snapped back in focus of why I was here.

The whole roof was surrounded by a rusty railing, if I pushed hard enough on it I knew it would break. I smiled, realizing this was the perfect opportunity. I walked closer to the rail and leaned on it, it creaked loudly and I saw how far of up I really was. I chuckled to myself and briefly closed my eyes, smiling. When I figured I was prepared, I put one foot over the rail and then the other. There wasn't that much of a gap between the rail and the edge of the building so it was challenging to stand there without slipping and falling to my doom.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" I heard Izuru say from behind me. I didn't answer him, he already knew, he was just making sure he was right. I closed my eyes again, smiled, and held my arms out. If I didn't change the future yet, I was going to now. This had to have worked, there's no way the future wouldn't change with me dead. No matter what, even if I don't get to experience it, something will change. But I have no idea if it will be for the better or the worse. Really though, how could the future get any worse than how it already will get?

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