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I woke up in a bed, Izuru's bed. My heart was still racing from the dream and I still didn't understand what happened exactly. First of all, why was he lying to me? Second, how did he cause me to wake up? Third, what question was he going to ask me later? I put all the questioned behind me and got out of bed, waking up Izuru in the process.
"Good morning dar-" "Stop talking to me." I took out my phone and FaceTimed my parents.

"What do you want?! We were about to have sex!" On her Facebook, I saw she posted she was in Las Vegas, so it would be almost nighttime where she was at. "Sorry, I didn't know that, I busted all my money because I thought I was going to die, long story."
"On what...?" She said completely ignoring the last part.
"A theme park."
"Oh! Did you go to the most expensive one in the world?" I nodded. "I know this is a lot to ask, but I need to take some from your account. For food and stuff, I might actually die if you don't give me money." She thought for a moment. "" I groaned. "Please! I really really need the money."

I heard Izuru walked behind me. "Who's that hot boy you're with?" She giggled.
"That's..." I wondered if I could even call him my boyfriend. We both loved each other, but we weren't together. "We're dating." He answered for me.
"You caught quite catch! For once in my life, I'm proud of you. I'll give you the money." My eyes lit up. "Really?! You mean it?!" I didn't call expecting any money from them, but just in case I called.
"Yes, take it before I change my mind. I'll transfer a thousand dollars. Happy? You better be." She immediately hung up before I got a chance to thank her.

"I don't like your mom."
"Me neither, but what am I supposed to do about it? Well, I gotta get ready for school now. I'll see you later." I kissed him on the cheeks then got dressed in my uniform.

I came back with a sickly feeling in my stomach, I was going to soon be making a decision that might save the world, the burden was too much to bear.
"Izuru I have a question for you." I tried delaying it by asking him a question instead. "What is it, love?"
"What's wrong? You look stressed."
"No shit, sherlock." I hear a bag cripple and he tossed me a box of Chicken Nuggets. I caught it and slowly opened it. "I went to McDonald's while you were at school."
"I'm not hungry."
"You need to eat. Are you going to tell me what's going on now?"
"Fine, I'm trying to figure out who's causing my dreams of the future, do you want to take a look at it?" I handed him the notebook.
"Hmm, I see. I think you're missing an important detail."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Have you considered the motive? Why would the person want you to have the dreams?"
"I... I don't know. I don't think Matsuda would have a motive. Junko wouldn't want me to see the future, so the only person with a motive is..." A light bulb goes off in my brain. I see Izuru smile, he must have realized we came to the same conclusion.

"Someone I haven't met yet!"
"Yourself." We say at the same time. "Y-Yeah, that's what I meant." But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I somehow got myself to have the dream (probably by hypnosis) and showed myself the future so I could change it. It all made perfect sense, but how was I able to do it?
"Obviously you used Matsuda's machine. I thought that would be clear." It always scares me when Izuru reads my mind because he's never been wrong before. With how desperate I was going to get, I made sense I resorted to that. Too bad I couldn't have predicted if it worked or not.

"I have something even more important to ask you." The butterflies in there got bigger.
"I've been thinking, just because I won't be helping Junko anymore doesn't mean she will stop spreading despair. I know how much you've been working for a despair-free future, and the only way for that reality to come true is to kill Junko." My heart stopped. I knew it would probably be bad, and I even predicted that this might be the question, but this was way worse than I could ever imagine. "I also know how friendly you used to be with her, so I would like your permission to do it first." It was weird, him asking for permission from me. Normally, he would never ask that from anyone. Could I really choose to kill Junko? Yes, I know she's gonna end the world if he doesn't, but she's been my best friend for my entire life. I'll give credit where credit is due, I wouldn't have ever met Izuru if she didn't show me him. She's both the cause of my hope and despair. But now that I know how Junko works, I realize that the friendship she gave me was fake. She gives people hope only to crush it and fill us with despair.

"I know what you're thinking, Junko gave you a real friendship. She truly cares about you, which is why she's betraying you. You think you understand her, but you only halfway understand her. Yes, she created hope only to crush it with despair, but that's also causing despair for herself. Whenever she hurts you, she feels really bad. Junko cares about you more than she cares about anyone... Well maybe not Mukuro or Matsuda, but they're all pretty close." He was right, Junko really did care about me, and it only made my decision harder. I know some people might be screaming at me right now to kill her, but they don't understand the bond I had with her.

"You proclaim Chiaki to be your new best friend, correct?" I nodded. "Then think of it likes this. Pick Junko to live, Chiaki "dies", pick Junko to die, and Chiaki lives." No matter what, I wanted Chiaki to live, and while she will still live if Junko lives, she won't be the same. She'll become wrapped up in despair like Junko. Chiaki gives me the most hope out of everyone I know, so I can't let her live like that all because of me.
"I made up my mind... Let's go kill Junko!"
"Great, shall we go now?"
"We shall!"

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