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Okay...maybe I was wrong. Maybe shit was not about to get real. What I thought would be a pro gamer who looked like a real-life Street Fighter character, was instead a tall skinny boy with glasses and pimples, your real typical gamer boyfriend. He was the type of guy who gets bullied every day and has a Minecraft girlfriend who is probably a dude. He was wearing a Pokèmon shirt with the first three starters and Pikachu. Don't get me wrong, Pokèmon is great, but when you put it on this guy, my rating for it goes way down. Also, don't blame me for thinking he was better than that; the crazy lights made it hard to see him from far away.

"I'm gonna beat you! What my brother says can't actually be true, he just doesn't understand." And when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the cracks in his voice made him even more unbearable. He attempted to talk like a "pro" but ultimately failed. This kid definitely Naruto runs. And the thing is, he probably isn't that much younger than us!
"Really? Well, I would like to see that happen. What shall we play first?" The nerd kid, who I will be calling Emmett, must have gotten the classic stare. His eyes were filled with fear and it looked like he would back down on the spot. I knew he was about to, but I couldn't miss this.
"Hey, you can't disappoint your brother. You have to make sure he sees how good you are with playing video games." I whispered in his ears. Emmett looked over to his brother who was still recovering from crying.
"Alright, I accept your duel." Sorry dude, but this isn't Yu-Gi-Oh. You may not know it, but you're dealing with the person who could stop the world from ending if he chooses so.

I would be keeping score, of course. The first game they would play was Pac-Man. Luckily, there were two Pac-Man machines do they could play at the same time. The pep talk I gave to Emmett must have increased his confidence by at least double what it had been before. Watching Izuru severely beat this kid just for his own fun...It reminded me of someone...who was it? I think it was the same person who told me about the strip was.

A little boy said to me while I was standing outside "Aunt Stacie's Bakery". I was hungry. I used up all the money my mom gave me on a cool knick-knack someone had. I really wanted it and the girl said she would give it to me if I have her all my money. After I got it, I saw at another store she got it for 1 dollar while I gave her 10. I fumbled it in my hand, too afraid to answer to the boy.

"Why are you sitting here alone? Did your parents drop you off?" He asked kindly.
"Yeah...My mommy dropped me off to go shopping. I don't have any money and I'm hungry."
"How long have you been here for?" I didn't bother to look up from his feet. I was all alone and he wouldn't be able to help me.
"I don't know, does it matter?"
"Yeah, maybe your mom won't come back..." I started trembling. Deep down, I knew she would come back. She can't live without me. But combined with my hungry sadness and worry, it wasn't an impossible idea at the time.

"...maybe she won't." I spoke in a quiet tone. Then, the boy forced my head to look in his face. His eyes were a yellowish-brown. His hair was also brown. He didn't have a very rememberable face so I would have forgotten him the next day if I didn't see him so often.
"Well if she doesn't, you can be my sister." I was still staring into his eyes. It got pretty uncomfortable.
"Your sister?"
"Yeah! I've always wanted one and if your mom doesn't come back, we'll adopt you!"

"Hey, mom! Come here! I just met this girl!" Soon enough his mother and father came over to us.
"Oh, hi there. What's your name?" His father asked nicely.
"My name is...Y/n."
"That's such a pretty name! My name is 🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙 🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙." The boy answered instead.

"...🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙 🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙. That's a pretty boring name."
"Yeah, I know. But I wish it wasn't. One day, I'm gonna be not so boring anymore.." he looked down, aware of his self-image.
"...After we're done eating, do you wanna go play games with me?" He asked me.
"Yeah! I love playing video games!"

He was such a nice boy too. He used up all the money he got from his mom for my enjoyment.
"Did you know that this place used to be a strip club?" Without wanting to sound dumb, I lied and told him I knew. I'm guessing he saw through my lie because he just chuckled. After that, we played more rounds of go-kart, Donkey Kong, Sonic, and anything I wanted.

Every single day I came to the Kidz Zone. 🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙 only came here every other weekend with his parents. Eventually, his mother got worried for me, fearing I had a neglecting parent. She wasn't wrong, but I never intended for my mom to get in trouble. Me and 🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙 were playing in the arcade like we usually do.
"Take that!" He had just beat a little kid while shooting basketballs. The girl starting crying.
"🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙🗙, you don't have to be so mean."
"I think I do. Maybe I could play video games for a living." He held his hand to his chest and look at the ceiling.
"You'll need a lot more talent than you have now to be that good." Then I remembered what my parents were making me do.

"I'll see you at Hope's Peak when you get the talent."
"Wait, you're going to Hope's Peak?! What talent do you have?!" He gasped.
"I don't know yet. But I know I'm going, I don't have a choice. My parents are forcing me to get a talent. So I'll remember you until then." I had gotten friendly enough with him I could hug him without it being weird. So, I did that. This time when I hugged him though, I felt like he wasn't prepared.
"...I'll get in just for you."

That was when I was 7, so it was 11 years ago. Of course, I don't remember the event in detail, but it was important enough that I could remember bits and pieces of it. When I first went to Hope's Peak and saw the Ultimate Gamer spot had gone to Chiaki, I would have been sad...if I remembered who he was.

"Hey! Get down from there." As I focused back into reality, I saw the teen from the register was carrying a broom. I was sitting on top of one of the arcade machines.
"The thing could break and they don't get enough money to buy a new one. Heck, they barely get enough money to pay their employees." He mumbled the last part barely loud enough to hear.
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." I got up from where I was sitting and saw Izuru and Emmett playing ski ball. Emmett was losing by a few ten thousand points while Izuru was getting close to one million. While I was stuck in my brain trying to remember what happened 11 years ago, they were still dueling while I was still keeping score. They were on their last match and Izuru almost had enough tickets to buy the bear. I must have put my body on autopilot while we were walking around.

"And there you have it, I win. And I so win the competition. Y/n, show me the score." I held up the piece of paper I was carrying with me and show it was 0-20. I hadn't noticed until now that there was a crowd of children of all ages behind us, gawking at his scores.
"Dang it, my brother was right." He looked at his shoes and I could tell he was crying. This was exactly what that boy would do to other kids when we played at the arcade.
"Come on Y/n, it's time to go. Let's get that bear and leave." That reminded me, there was something I wanted to do here.
"Izuru, before we leave...can we go to a store I want to check out?" I was running out of outfits that I still liked.
"Sure, why not."

The place we went to wasn't important, it was the contents inside that really matter. It had a calming aura that I couldn't describe perfectly to anyone. It was lighthearted and sweet to go inside. It was without a doubt, my favorite place to shop. Izuru looked really confused here, he knew he didn't belong.
"I wanna pick a new outfit out. And since I'm guessing you're really good with fashion, so you can help me pick what you think looks best." I only choose the first outfit I saw that represented me even if it was only slightly. I came out of the changing room, expecting Izuru to compliment my fashion choices.
"It's very ugly. Don't buy it." He said in that monotone voice I hate so much.
"Then what should I get?! What do you think I would look good in?!" I half expected him to pick a sexy outfit, but to my surprise, the outfit wasn't half bad.

"Fine, I'll try it out." After putting my clothes on and looking through the mirror, I fell in love with it instantly. It looked beautiful. Exactly how my style is.
"That one looks a lot better. I recommend you buy it." He said after I came out.
"Thanks, Izuru, I really like this one. I promise to wear it a lot." I remembered that I still hadn't made him smile, but he definitely made me.

As we were leaving the store, I think I remembered the person's name. Hajime Hinata. If what Chiaki said was true, and Izuru really was Hajime, then it might explain why I'm beginning to fall in love with him.

The Butterfly Effect | Izuru Kamukura x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now