Please Don't Go

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"A-a break?" Techno said ignoring his injuries.

"I think it's a good idea," I said shakily Tommy went to bed so I didn't have any emotional support but I had to continue.

"Wait we can tal-"

"No!" I ruffled my hair tears slowly going down my face "We rushed into a relationship as it is, I think we need time for ourselves, I'm not breaking up with you just taking time for myself"

Techno could stand there his angry was replaced was heartbreak, he wanted this trip to be perfect, but he just got there a day ago and it already went downhill. He looked down in shame, he hated himself for making you upset.

I walked into my room and opened my closet, I rolled my chair over and stepped on top of it. I grabbed a suitcase that was on the small shelf at the very top of the closet. I carefully got off the chair almost falling off as it turned slightly.

Techno walked into my room as I put clothes in the suitcase. I grabbed some essential items such as hygienic stuff special jewelry I got from my parents and others from my relatives who passed away. I sniffled and wiped my tears away.

"What are you doing?..." Techno watched carefully, I just ignored him. I was too upset to have a conversation with him or make eye contact. I looked up and looked every wear but his eyes.

I sighed and grabbed his wrist and brought him to the bathroom, I grabbed my first aid kit and quitely patched up his wounds. He would wince and flinch but I never said sorry I was mad and upset, I grabbed the first aid kit and walked to Clay doing the same thing.

I walked back into my room slamming the door, both men watched in shock speechless. I sat on my chair moving it back to my desk turning my computer on watching the monitor light up. I started looking up plane tickets to the UK. The only tickets I could find were tickets to Belfast which was unfortunately 8 hours away from Nottingham. I clicked the link to buy the tickets it was the only flight left that would make it in time. I could stay with Becca in Ireland since Belfast is basically on the outside of Ireland.

The flight leaves at 2 in the morning, it was currently 7:30 at night. I sighed I haven't eaten dinner but I didn't have an appetite. I walked out of my room looking at the two males who were awkwardly standing in the dining room.

"Dream go home," I said Clay looked at me hearing you call him Dream two times in one day hurt him, he knew he fucked up.

"I'm so sorry Y/n," He said tears falling down his face

"Leave" I hissed

Clay just nodded and walked out of the door taking one last look before heading home, back to his cat that would cuddle him while he cried like Patches always did. Techno looked at me scared of what I was going to say. I stared him in the eye this time keeping my tears in.

"You sleep on the couch, you better fix everything that was broken or misplaced and that's being generous," I said looking at the broken glass and everything that was knocked off the shelves.

"Love I'm so sorry something just snapped I couldn't control myself I-"

"Number one, don't pull the nicknames on me" I glared, "And two why would you think it was a good fucking idea to pull this shit after everything we've been through!"

Techno winced as I continued to yell. tears rolling down my face.

"I was happy! I was finally happy with you holding me! holing my hands! Kissing me! Watching the damn stars like we used to! But you fucked up over whatever the hell you decided to fight Drem! I trusted you!" I looked down my voice lowering. "But I can't be in the same room with you, I can't trust you"

"I'll do anything to make it up to you," Techno said his voice shaking.

"I need time to myself, but I can't get around kicking you out," I said looking up.

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm going to see Tommy by myself for a little while" I emphasized the by myself part.

"But where are you going to stay at a random Hotel?"

"I'm going to ask Becca if I could stay with her"

"What if she says no?"

"She won't especially in this case," I said the thought did cross my mind but I had to go.

I walked to my room Techno followed trying to convince me I just slammed the door right in his face and slide down it holding my knees burying my face in them. The time seemed to be slow it felt like forever till it hit midnight. I sat up and walked to my suite case closing it. I grabbed a duffle bag and fit a few more things in it before closing the bag. I slung the duffle bag over my shoulders and grabbed the suitcase handle. In all honesty, the duffle bag was heavy but I ignored it. I opened my door with the hand I let go of the handle and opened my bedroom door. I grabbed the handle again and walked through the house I opened the front door to my apartment and felt a hand on mine. I looked back to see Techno his eyes were red and puffy.

"Please don't go" He pleaded I looked down. Is it the right decision to go? Should I stay? No, I have to go.

"I'm sorry" I whispered walking away with my belonging not looking back as I left the building. I took a taxi to the airport and watched the Flordia buildings pass by as I got closer to the airport. When we arrived I thanked the driver and gave him the money I had to pay. I walked inside, the airport was quiet at 1 in the morning. I got checked in, my luggage got checked along with my body as I walked through the detector. When I got done I walked to where my gate was I sat at the lounge waiting for my flight to be called. I texted Becca asking if I could stay at her place to which she agreed right away.

At 1:40 they started letting people on the plane, I walked to the third-class to my seat I put my stuff on the overhead, and sat down with my phone and earbuds. The flight attendant did the speech on safety and procedures I drowned it out looking out of the window my mind clouded with the sudden idea to just leave. I sighed putting my earbuds in listening to my playlist on shuffle. I watched the plane take off as Flordia became smaller and the water was the only thing visible. I closed my eyes a little anxious being on a plane.

"It'll be okay," I said to myself

Sorry for not updating in a while I had some writer's block, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember you are ✨PERFECT the way you are and your ✨WORTH IT no matter what anyone else says or thinks

-------------------------------------------------------Sorry for not updating in a while I had some writer's block, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember you are ✨PERFECT ✨the way you are and your ✨WORTH IT✨ no matter what anyone else says...

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