Cry For Help

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I sat at my couch watching my (F/m). I was cuddled up into a blanket, popcorn next to me with the lights out. It was nice to relax a little bit more instead of being on edge. Me and Techno have been messaging and FaceTiming, we even are planning a trip to meet.

It was the middle of the movie and someone knocked on my door. I sighed and ignored it watching the movie. The knocking continued.

"Hello?...." The voice spoke. Dream

"Go away!" I shouted but he kept knocking. This man never gives up

I sighed pausing the movie and getting out of my comfort blanket. I walked to the door stretching my arms out.

"What do you want?" I opened the door looking at him.

His hair was disheveled and he looked exhausted. He looked as if he could pass out any second. I felt bad to which I shouldn't.

"Please...Just let me in...." I moved aside and led him to the couch moving the popcorn bowl and my blanket so he could sit.

"You look like shit"

"I-I can't sleep"

"How am I meant to help you with that?" I asked I'm not a doctor so what does he expect now.

"I can't help it

"Your acting really weird dre-"

"NO! Call me Clay" He quickly cut me off he looked scared.

"Alright Clay, what's wrong your acting weird"

"I-I hear a voice" Clay started to stay he was very fidgety "I started hearing his voices when I woke up in Minecraft, I-It was me but it wasn't at the same time"

I looked at him confused and intrigued as I nodded at him letting him know I was listening.

"He tells me to do stuff I don't want to do, he takes over my mind and body and makes me act aggressive." He sniffled "He made me do stuff I didn't want to do. It got worse when I voluntarily started the war. Killing my friends is what he made me do, He wanted me to stop people from leaving" He started crying. "I c-can't stop him"

The dirty blonde sat on my couch crying. I hesitantly hugged him to which he automatically hugged back. As much as I hate him I hate seeing people cry. Clay started to grip onto me harder laughing and crying.

"H-help m-me" Clay said before passing out his body still gripping me in a hug.

I laid him down on the couch and placed my hand on his forehead, No Temperature. I then checked his pulse, a Perfectly fine heartbeat. He Probably wore himself out, I let him sleep.

I walked to my room and grabbed a pillow and another blanket. I walked back and lifted his head gently and put the pillow underneath his head. I grabbed my other blanket and replaced it with the one I don't use as much as. I grabbed my blanket from earlier and turned out the lights leaving a small nightlight on in the living room for Clay.

I took one last look at the male wrapped in a blanket sleeping on my couch. I walked to my room and closed the door locking it, I still couldn't trust him. I grabbed my pajamas changing out of my clothes. Guess I'll shower tomorrow morning.

I shut out my light and walked to my bed my LED's on so I won't have to worry about tripping. Once I got to my bed I turned off my colorful lights. I texted Techno goodnight I would tell him about dream tonight but I'm too tired to bother.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. It was weird I haven't had pancakes in forever. I stood up and went to my bathroom to shower. I grabbed a towel and new clothes.

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