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Tommy tensed as he heard Clay's voice. His breathing was unsteady and his hands were shaky. Tommy grew quite contemplating wether or not to just hang up and cry.

"Hey Toms I have to go to the store how about I talk to you while I get groceries" I said grabbing my keys.

"O-Okay" Tommy laid down on his bed placing the phone next to him.

I slipped my shoes on and walked to the door, before I left I looked back at Clay and Techno.

"Behave" was the last thing I said before leaving.

After you left Clay jumped on the couch laying down closing his eyes. Techno watched his every move.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" Dream mused feeling the glare Technoblade was giving him.

"Who do you think you are?" Technoblade said looking at the male.

"I don't know what your talking about"

Technoblade glared the voices in his head telling him things he hadn't heard in a while. His mind clouded with thoughts and conflicting emotions. He walked towards Dream.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about" Dream opened his eyes seeing Technoblade right in front of him.

"You really want to pull this bullshit?"

"Yeah I do" Technoblade said trying to hold himself back.

"Your just a jealous pig because I've spent more time with your lover" Dream said crossing his arms with a smirk.

Technoblade snapped as punched Dream in the face making dream fall onto the ground. Dream felt blood run down his nose touching it as he looked up at Technoblade. His smirk was replaced with his terrifying gaze. He slowly stood up.

The personas they had in the game became a reality, the voices, the thirst of fighting. Protecting and betraying. 

"I told you if you wanted to do this bullshit now as a warning! You fucked up this time." Dream said as he pushed Technoblade against the wall harshly.

"You don't know what your messing with" Technoblade said pushing Dream off of him which made Dream stumble into a small table knocking over a vase that is now shattered.

"Let's remember how I killed you in the game and I will gladly do it again" Dream said throwing a punch at Technoblade to which he just barley dodged.

"Shut up" Technoblade yelled going to punch Dream. Dream caught his punch and twisted his arm. Techno pushed Dream off with his foot making him hit against the Tv.

"You took everything I have left!" Dream shouted tears rolling down his face but you could just barley see them.

"What?" Technoblade said stopping looking at Dream.

"You took Y/n! She's the only one who helped me through this then you showed up out of nowhere! Life was going so good in Florida then you came!" Dream shouted this took Technoblade by surprise. Dream took this opportunity to grab Technoblade's collar and throw him to the ground. He repeatedly punched Technoblade till coughed up blood.  He fought back doing the same thing to dream but he didn't stop the voices told him to keep going.

He was trying to take Y/n from him. His thoughts ran wild as each punch made Dream bruised. He stopped as he heard the door open. He got off of Dream as they saw Y/n standing with the door open looking at her now messy apartment.

I looked at the two men. My Tv is knocked on the floor my vase with flowers are broken on the floor, and the worst part about it is that the two people who did it was people who I trusted and two started to trust.

Technoblade and Dream bothe had blood leaking out of their noses cuts from the broken class and bruises all over. Botha boys looked at me shocked as Dream pushed Technoblade off of him.

"How could you?" I whispered looking at them my heart shattered. "You couldn't atleast behave! When I'm gone! You couldn't control yourself for 10 god damn minuets?!"

"Y/n.. I-"

"Shut it!" I cut a Technoblade off "I trusted you! I thought you would actually listen to me!"

I then looked over at Dream "And you! I finally started trusting you! You broke your promise! You told me you would change but you lied! You lied Dream" I hissed.

"Y/n?" I heard Tommy say through the phone he sounded worried. "What's going on are you okay?"

Tears rolled down my eyes not knowing how to answer Tommy, I couldn't stay here, I couldn't look both of them in the eye.

"I think we should take a break....." I whispered tears flowing down my face.


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! I tried my best with the fighting scenes so hopefully, they turned out well! ✨Remember you are Perfect, Beautiful and worth it!✨ Love you guys!

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! I tried my best with the fighting scenes so hopefully, they turned out well! ✨Remember you are Perfect, Beautiful and worth it!✨ Love you guys!

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(Shameless promo: I am starting to live steam on twitch if you wanna watch My user is Mollyhascrashed)

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