It's You!

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This is the one time I wish I had Twitter or Instagram, I was never really one to like going on social media because of my insecurities and not wanting to face the hate I could get. If I don't see I don't have it in my mindset.

Nevertheless, I downloaded Twitter, Twitter was too much to handle at one time but here I am. I watched as the Logo appeared on my screen, I clicked the app and was faced with a Login or Sign Up.

Of course, I had Twitter when I was younger but I was definitely not signing into that account for two reasons, one being it's probably hella cringe and two I forgot the password.

I made a new account with my Gamertag as a username. Once I signed up the first thing I did was search up Techno's Twitter, which was luckily easy to find considering he was a Youtuber.

I followed him and clicked the message button. I was smiling with joy as I started typing, but I then started getting nervous. Would he even want to see me now? Would I be good enough in the real world?

As I kept debating what to do, what to say, I felt like a teenage girl trying to text her crush. Someone began knocking on the door. I sighed and left it be maybe they'll go away if they think no one's home.

"Y/n~" The voice cooed I sighed out of annoyance as I got up and stomped to the door, when I opened it I was making eye contact with Dream.

"What do you want?" I asked not wanting company right now.

"I just wanted to stop by and say Hi"

"That's very kind of you but I'm not in the mood to deal with you," I said trying to close the door.

"What's got you all worked up?" He asked putting his foot in the door so it wouldn't close

"None of your concern"

"Oh come on" He smirked, "is it about Technoblade?"

My face turned red and cleared my throat trying to play off his statement. "And if it is?"

"I guess I was right then, have you two messaged yet?" He asked with a grin "I have we had a whole conversation yesterday"

Dream waves his phone around and opened the door leaving me there shocked. "I'll help myself to some water if you don't mind"

Did he talk to Dream? He had a Conversation with Dream? Did he not care for me? Had he at least messaged Tommy? Or Ranboo?

Dreams fingers snapped me out of my trance as he closed the door that I left open. "Chill out he's okay"


"You should try messaging him"

"I was about to till your ass decided to show up"

"Sorry I just thought you guys messaged...." Dream looked away, Does this guy have bipolar issues, he was just acting cocky two seconds ago.

"I-it's fine don't worry about it," I said as his mood brightened. That's so weird

"Well you should message him already"

"Like I said I will once your ass leaves"

"Why can't you now?"

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