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"Hello? Tommy?" I said softly

Tommy started breathing heavily as he heard my voice. Memories soared through his head the good and bad ones. He remembered going on walks at night ranting about his day. He remembered when he was scared you were there for him, calming him down.

"Breath Tommy it's okay I'm here now," I said through the phone. I wanted to hug him. I wanted to be there in person to help him, but I couldn't.

He nodded to himself as you started to calm him down. After a few minutes of trying to calm the boy down, you managed to.

"I can't believe our 19," I said through the phone.

"I'm a big man now, so you can't call me a child"

"I don't know about that one," Techno said.

"Shut up old man" Tommy snapped "Your closer to being 30 than 19"

"Hey hey no arguing!" I said laughing a little.

"He started it!" Tommy said in defense.l

"Shush Racoon" Techno crossed his arms still sitting next to me. "Yeah i knew every time you stole stuff from my chests"

Tommy stopped talking which made the call silent


Laughter was heard from the other side of the phone. It was the first time he genuinely laughed since he was home. I smiled hearing his laughter.

"It's the truth one day I have at least a stack of diamonds to only later that day have half a stack!" Techno ranted which made Tommy's laughter grow more which made Techno smile.

"Thank you guys I really needed that" Tommy smiled.

Clay sighed yet another unread text from you. He wasn't surprised but you would've at least threatened to block him as you have done before when he texted you that much in a row. He pet Patches watching the Tv he had nothing better to do.

"Maybe I should go over to her houses it's been a while" He mumbled he stopped petting patches as she jumped off his lap. He stood up and walked to the door grabbing his phone and wallet slipping them into his pocket. He put on his sneakers and tied them. He walked out of his house and locked the door.

He remembered what you said about walking places. It was nice walking around. He walked to your apartment building. He entered the building and went to the elevator he entered the elevator and pressed the button to get to your floor.

He tapped his foot waiting for the door to open up. Once it did he walked to your apartment. He was about to knock when he heard laughter. He pressed his ear against the door listening to the conversation.

"Did you even craft anything with those diamonds?'

"I used them to get more from Wilbur"

Is that Technoblade and Tommy?

"Geez Tommy you talk so loud it actually sounds like your here" I joked with him.

Clay took a step back from the door he was shocked, to say the least. He's here? Already?

"Damn it," Clay said looking at the door.

"Was that the delivery guy?" Techno asked.

"Dunno I'll go check. " I walked to the door unlocking it. When I opened it I saw Clay. Was I surprised? No. Was I concerned? Yes.

"What are you doing here," I said quietly.

"I texted you that I was coming over," He said just as quietly.

"No- Yes you did," I said in defeat.


"Come in I guess" I hesitantly let him inside. He's smart and good at pulling this stuff such as outsmarting me.

"We have a visitor" I sighed as Clay walked out from behind me.

"Why the hell is dre-"

"Clay!" Clay said preventing him from saying the word he hated being called.

"Heh?" Techno said looking at the male

Hello Everyone! sorry for the chapter delay! I kinda broke my wrist so I'm sorry if this has errors! I hope you liked the chapter! I would like to remind all of you that You are worth it. You are no matter what others say. You are Perfect. You are Amazing the way you are

 You are Amazing the way you are

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