Just Like Always

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I woke up feeling a pair of arms wrapped around me. I slowly looked next to me, it was Technoblade of course. I'm glad I wasn't dreaming. It seemed so unreal a lot of things seemed unreal. Now thinking about we rushed a relationship, but there were so many possibilities of dying. In the end, we made it together.

I carefully got out of bed trying my hardest to not wake up the sleeping man. I walked to the bathroom to shower and do my daily routine. I changed in the bathroom and about 10 minutes later I walked out ready for the day. Techno was asleep, but he did drive along time at once. I walked to the small kitchen that I had and looked around. The only thing I had was cereal.

Guess I need to go shopping later I sighed. I sighed sitting down on the couch turning on the TV to watch some Spongebob. An hour later I heard techno's footsteps walk into the room. He rubbed his eyes, obviously still tired.

"At it's12:30 why didn't you wake me," Techno said tiredly.

"Because I could tell you exhausted you are plus I woke up an hour, it's not like I woke up at 9'o clock" I responded standing up letting the TV run in the background.

"We need to go to the store," I said hugging him to which he hugged me back rocking side to side.

"That's fine," He said as he pulled away " I'll go get ready and we can go get brunch afterward?"

"Okay" I smiled happily as he kissed my head. I watched him grab clothes from his bag. He walked into my to changed he came back about 10minutes. Dang, he's fast.


"Ready" He smiled

I got up and grabbed my purse and he grabbed his wallet. I slipped on my sneakers as to he did the same. We walked out of my apartment as I locked my door. We walked to the elevator hand in hand. I looked over at him and smiled to which he smiled back squeezing my hand as we inside the actual elevator.

"There is a convince store we can walk to," I said as the elevator went down.

"I have a car you know?" Techno said raising his eyebrow

"I know but I like walking" I smiled.

"Alright alright, how far is it?"

"Not far about 10 minutes it's right up the block," I said as we exited out of the elevator doors and walked out of the building. "Plus shouldn't be that hard. We've walked miles and miles before"

"But we also had health bars and it wasn't our exact body"

I just shrugged as we walked up the street, our first stop is to get something to eat to which I showed him a local Diner. It was easier to walk to these places rather than drive especially since I live in the city.

"It's nice here," He said as we got closer to the Diner

"Yeah I like it here" I smiled, he opened the door for me as we entered the building.

"Welcome to George's Diner how many?"

I froze, George...

"Table for two please," Techno said grabbing my hand. the waiter walked us to a table to which we followed handing us each a Menu. Techno thanked him as I sat on one side of the booth.

"You okay?" Techno asked concerned

"Y-yeah" I smiled I focused my attention back on Techno.

Tehno looked over the Menu and I did as well. When the writer came back we both ordered our drinks. It took a few minutes to figure out what to eat. once the Waiter came back with our drinks we ordered our food.

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