♠︎ Chapter 49 • Soul Brother ♠︎

Start from the beginning

He nods and hands me my lunch box. "I need to get used to you hanging out with people. Not just leaving for work." His voice comes out a whisper. "Just don't fuck my brother." He laughs to try and lighten the mood.

I roll my eyes and pull him into an embrace. "I wouldn't dare. I love you, Charlie. I believe in you. If you need me, just text and I'll be there."

"Well, I'd feel guilty stealing you from Xan." He runs his fingers through his hair and I notice he put on makeup.

"No need for guilt. Your mental health is most important." I promise him.

"Xander's is more important than mine." Charlie starts cleaning. "He has problems too. He just doesn't like to show it."

I nod. "Okay," I kiss him one last time. "I love you. I'll text you when I get there and when I come home."

"I love you too. Be home when you can." He kisses back.

"I will be." I promise and head out. I pick up the ginger ale on the way and park in the Kings' driveway. Gathering the things, I get out and let myself in the house, going straight to Xander's room and knocking. "Hey, buddy, it's me."

"You can come in," he says, voice low.

I do and close the door behind me, going to sit on the bed. I put his stuff down and search for his head to start combing my fingers through his hair. "I brought everything."

It's so dark that I can't see Xander's face, but he sounds relieved. "Thank you."

"No problem. I take care of my family." I assure him lovingly. He may come off as super tough, but he's still Charlie's, and soon my little brother.

"One day I'll pay you back," he promises.

I chuckle. "There's no need."

"I feel bad. Charlie probably wanted to go on a date or something." He buries his face in his pillow. "But then I got... sick..."

"You don't know that, that's a pretty specific assumption." I watch him. "Is that what's wrong? You're sick?"

"Kind of. It's nothing contagious. I might throw up if I'm forced to eat actual food, so Charlie would have a panic attack."

I nod. "Good thing I didn't bring him." I lay down on my side and try to see his face. "Why are you keeping this from Ryder? He'd love to help you, he loves taking care of people. He'd never judge you for anything."

I notice the bed shaking. "Not with this. He can't see me like this." He pants.

I sit up and pull his head into my lap and grab his hand. "He won't think any less of you. He really likes you."

"He doesn't love being in a depressive state while going through withdrawals." Xander wipes the sweat of his face.

I pet him. "He would love you regardless. I know that for sure."

I debate whether to ask him about the withdrawals or not. Charlie once told me that Xander struggles with an addiction to his drugs. I don't know which ones though.

"Ryder has made his views on drugs clear. I don't want to ruin our relationship."

"What views?" I scoff. "Telling him would not ruin your relationship. He cares for you, he wants to help you. It'd only be hard for him if you wanted to continue using and not address it." I explain.

"I am addressing it. I flushed everything and got rediagnosed so that I couldn't get them again. I've been going to meetings. I'm trying my best," his voice breaks towards the end.

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