Chapter 30

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"So in conclusion, I'm screwed." Chloe told Linda and Amenadiel. They were in Linda's house at the moment, and Chloe had just finished filling them in on what Remiel had told her much earlier that day. Charlie was in his crib, and Maze was showing him a toy plastic knife, and was explaining the best ways to use it.

As long as Maze didn't use real knives around the baby, Linda allowed it. When it came to celestials, certain comprises had to be made.

Lucifer had convinced Chloe to stay with Amenadiel and Linda for a bit while he checked on something in Lux. Which she had found strange, since he had basically glued himself to her side since the meeting in his penthouse. But with some persuasion, the detective had relented and did as he asked.

She needed to explain what Remiel had said to them anyway, and she wanted to spend some time with Charlie, who she supposed was her nephew now. They were all practically family already, but the new baby strengthened that bond. And besides, Charlie was the closest being there was to whatever was growing inside Chloe's uterus.

Amenadiel shook his head lightly in disbelief. "This would be directly disobeying Father. I never would have thought that she would go this far."

"I do," Maze said from her spot by the crib. "All your siblings are hypocritical psychos."

Amenadiel sighed. He didn't try to correct her because, at least in this instance, she was right. He then gave Chloe a reassuring smile. "You are not screwed, Chloe. We are going to do everything we possibly can to keep you safe. Both you, and the baby."

Chloe nodded and attempted a small smile of her own. "I know, thank you. And hey, it's not like this is the first time one of your siblings has tried to kill me." With some prodding, Lucifer had told her about Uriel. Chloe felt a bit guilty with how she had treated him back then when he had been grieving afterwards. But what's done is done.

Amenadiel's face became somber at that. "Yes, I certainly hope it doesn't end the same way it did then." Marliel may be their enemy at the moment, but she was still his sister. And Amenadiel had already lost a brother in a similar fashion.

"I still can't believe that the devil's gonna be a dad." Maze said when she sensed the growing tension. "I really wanna be there when he changes his first diaper!"

The mental image of Lucifer changing a diaper while wearing Prada made everyone chuckle.

"How is Lucifer doing, by the way?" Linda asked Chloe. Her and Lucifer haven't had a session since this whole prophecy business, so she had no idea how he was really doing. She could guess though.

Chloe was quiet for a moment, thinking about her answer. "He's doing good, I guess. Considering everything going on." They haven't talked at all about the pregnancy, minds way too preoccupied with the current danger.

Amenadiel chuckled a bit as he thought of something. "In all my years, I never would have pictured the devil a father.. would be very ironic if they turned out to be as rebellious as Lucifer."

Chloe made a face. "Please don't tell me that." The Detective said jokingly. "I already have ONE rebellious devil driving me nuts, I can't imagine what I'd do with two."

Everyone laughed at that.

"But in all seriousness, I'm actually pretty excited." Chloe said with a smile. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I am worried about the whole angel part, but I'm already in love with this kid."

"I know the feeling." Linda said as she glanced lovingly towards the crib. Not that long ago, she was going through the exact same thing. Well, minus the ultra healing and being on an angel's kill list. Those were both things the doctor was happy to live without.

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