Chapter 14

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Irisia and Dan were currently walking into the set of a new movie, Revenge of the Mobsters, a cheesy action thriller about a single cop taking on the entire mob. A ridiculous film. And the film that Carlos Clint had been the lead actor in.

They were walking through the set, looking for the head producer to question first, when Dan suddenly stopped, with his eyes widening in awe. Irisia looked to where he was staring, and saw a man, covered in blood and holding a bazooka, talking casually to a crew member. One of the actors, obviously dressed in costume.

The lead actor had just been brutally murdered, and yet they still filmed the movie. This bothered Irisia. Yet she wasn't quite sure why. Perhaps it was because of how he died, she felt a strange duty to the man.

"Someone you know?" Irisia asked. Dan smiled. "Yeah, that's Kimo Vanzandt!" At Irisia's blank expression, Dan elaborated. "He's from the Weaponizer movie franchise. About over a year ago, he was a suspect of the murder of his arch nemesis. Who turned out to secretly be his best friend in real life."

Irisia nodded slowly, and glanced around them, trying to see anyone who might look suspicious. She really couldn't care less about action stars. "Is the Weaponizer any good?" Irisia asked. "Hell yeah! It's amazing! So is the Body bags movies. Another movie franchise he was in. It's so good, that I skipped some wedding planning to see Body Bags 6."

Irisia raised a brow. "Is that why it didn't work out between you two?" The angel joked.

Dan chuckled. "Nah, Chloe didn't care. Though, I did tell her that it was an emergency."

"Hmph." Irisia answered. "Man, it's great that he's acting again." Dan remarked. Irisia doubted that this low budget movie counted much, but she didn't say this aloud.  "Maybe we should go talk to him first." Dan considered as he was already starting to make his way towards him.

Irisia wanted to find the producer first like planned, but figured that this actor could know as much about Carlos' activities as much as the producer. Once they made their way to him, the crew member Kimo was speaking to left to do whatever it was crew members did.

"Can I help you?" Kimo asked. "Uhh, yeah..." Dan started but trailed off. "Hey, do you remember me?" Dan asked. Irisia frowned. This was off topic. "About a year ago, you got arrested, and I was one of the detectives on the case."

Kimo looked at Dan for a moment, trying to remember if he knew him. "Uhh, no. I don't think I remember you." The actor said after a moment. Dan nodded, a bit disappointed. "Oh, okay. That's fine. I'm a big fan of yours."

Then Irisia rolled her eyes. So, he just wanted to talk to one of his idols. You have got to be joking.

"How well do you know Carlos Clint?" Irisia asked, deciding to take charge. "Carlos? Not well, he was just my co-star." Kimo answered. "Do you know of anyone who might hold a grudge against him?" Irisia asked next. Kimo scoffed. "Who didn't have a grudge against him around here?"

"Why's that?" Dan asked, jumping in. "First off, guy was an arrogant ass. And a terrible actor. The only reason he got the job was because his father-in-law is the head producer." Kimo said with obvious dislike. Kimo then turned to Dan.

"Hey, how's Lucifer, by the way? I still owe him a favor." Irisia raised an eyebrow. "What favor did he grant you?" Irisia asked curiously.

"Oh, he helped me get this job. Apparently the head producer owed him a favor from before."

Irisia and Dan share a look. "So, let me get this straight," Dan said. "Carlos got this job only because of his connections to the producer." Kimo nodded his confirmation. "And you got this job as a favor from Lucifer, because of his connections to the producer?"

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