Chapter 28

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I don't know if I should warn you about this, but there is a scene including an ultrasound coming up. There's nothing too graphic, but I just want to give you a heads up.


Chloe felt like she wanted to shoot someone.

It has only been five days since the meeting in the penthouse, but during those five days, Chloe has not been alone once. At work, she had Lucifer and Irisia constantly tailing her like two shadows. And everywhere else she had Lucifer and someone else always with her. It hadn't been that long, but it was quickly getting tiring.

But unfortunately, as everyone kept reminding her, it was necessary. Trixie was also staying at Dan's until this situation blew over. It was mostly at Dan's behest. He felt more comfortable having his daughter close and away from possible danger. Trixie didn't know what was going on, Chloe and Dan didn't want to scare her.

Remiel had left to the Silver City to spread the word about the prophecy, and they were still waiting to hear back from the angel.

Chloe was currently sitting on an examination table in the doctors office, wearing a gown, waiting on the obstetrician. Lucifer was sitting on a chair and reading something on his phone, while Maze was standing and studying a drawing of the female reproductive system hanging on the wall. Maze was with them most of those five days, and had practically moved back into Chloe's apartment.

"I've been there." Maze said as she pointed to a spot on the picture. "I've been there, and I've done things you couldn't possibly imagine." The demon said with a proud smile. "Well, maybe Lucifer can imagine, but you definitely can't, Decker."

"Maybe you would like to wait outside, Maze? It might get boring for you." Chloe suggested. She really just wanted it to be her and Lucifer. At least for the very first ultrasound. Chloe was honestly a little nervous with what they'll find, and she could tell that Lucifer was too.

"No way, only Lucifer's dad knows when one of those dicks from the sky could decide to come down and take you. I'm not letting you out of my sight." Maze said with conviction.

"Need I remind you, Mazie, I'm here to protect the Detective." Lucifer said from his spot on the chair.

"Ya really think you can take on dumb, dumber, and Varlien on your own? Hell no! I'm staying." Once the demon made up her mind about something, it was near impossible to persuade her otherwise.

"Besides, I wanna see the baby." Maze added more quietly. She remembered Linda's ultrasound, and she was honestly excited for this one. Chloe smiled at the demon. When it came to the kids, Maze was such a softie. This kid wasn't even born yet, but Chloe knew that he or she had people already wrapped around their finger. Chloe remembered back when she had been afraid of these people, and seeing them now, she wondered how she could ever be afraid of them.

"I've definitely been here too." Maze said as she pointed to another spot on the drawing. "Not as fun as you might think. Wouldn't recommend it. Not much wiggle room to do anything in."

Just then, the doctor walked in. She looked to be in her forties, had tanned skin, brown eyes, and brown hair held back in a severe bun.

Maze eyed the woman warily, as she held a blade behind her back. "I'm Dr. Quin, and I will be your obstetrician." The doctor introduced herself to Chloe. "I understand that this is Chloe Decker, but you two are...?"

"Lucifer Morningstar." Lucifer introduced himself. For a moment, the doctor got that trance like look on her face most people often did with Lucifer, but quickly shook it off. She must be one of the more complicated ones. Chloe was glad for that, the last thing she needed was a doctor who constantly ogled her boyfriend.

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