Chapter 23

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Three days later, Lucifer, Chloe, Dan, Irisia, and Ella were all in the conference room eating lunch. Lucifer had brought in some food from his favorite Chinese restaurant. Ella had just told Dan and Irisia that she was now officially a celestial insider, and she was constantly asking the angels questions.

Irisia was busy screaming profanities at Ryliel through text, so she only half heard the chirpy human's questions. He hadn't answered her yet, but the texts shown as read.

"So, what's Hitler's Hell loop like?" Ella asked before stuffing her mouth with a dumpling. Lucifer had explained to her the basic dynamics of Hell, and how it worked. "Well, since he doesn't truly feel guilty over his actions on Earth, he's physically tortured by demons. And let me tell you, he's a screamer." Lucifer said.

"I honestly still can't believe that you're taking this so well." Dan said in disbelief. "When I found out, I was a wreck."

"When are you not?" Lucifer teased. Dan ignored him. If he reacted to every one of Lucifer's insults, he'd never get anything done.

"What I cannot believe is how Ryliel could fail to tell me of your newly acquired knowledge, and of the courtship between you two!" Irisia said irritably while she sent yet another text, this one in a whole other language.

"Courtship? What are you from, the sixteen hundreds?" Ella joked with a light chuckle, but went quiet when Irisia finally looked up from her phone and gave her a deadpan expression. "Rrrrrrriiigghhttt. It's still sinking in right now." Ella said slowly.

Irisia rolled her eyes then went back to texting furiously. Lucifer chuckled. He wouldn't admit how much he was enjoying this. Everyone in his immediate life believing who he truly was, and for the most part accepting him. Though Daniel was still sometimes a bit standoffish towards him, a few days ago he had started wearing his chakra bracelet again. Lucifer had chosen not to comment on it, since he was also still wearing his. Though he wasn't sure why.

Linda had had some ludicrous ideas of it being because they considered each other friends, and the bracelets symbolized that. Lucifer refused to believe that he was willingly wearing a bloody friendship bracelet. Much less if Daniel wore the other one.

Chloe had barely touched her noodles, too busy examining photos of their newest case. Plus, she wasn't feeling that great. She had woken up feeling slightly nauseous and a little bloated. Must have been the questionable Mexican food she'd eaten the night before.

Her and Lucifer had convinced Ella to keep the new information about the Ellion case from Irisia, and Dan since they were now partners. How that pairing happened, Chloe couldn't tell you.

Eventually with some convincing, Ella had agreed. They refrained from telling her the real reason as to why they didn't want Irisia knowing until they were sure there was more to it.

"What's the Big Guy like?" Ella asked.

The siblings glanced at each other, then gave the human matching odd looks.

"Do you really think that the devil and one of the angels who rebelled against him, would be the best people to ask that question?" Irisia said dubiously before Lucifer could go into a rant about how much of a manipulative bastard God was.

Ella winced a bit, feigning a pained expression. "Oof, wrong crowd?" She inquired.

"Actually, I think that we might be the best people to answer that question, since we've witnessed his true colors." Lucifer remarked with a hint of bitterness.

Irisia stayed silent. Trying to stop herself from going down memory lane. She sighed after a moment, and finally after sending her 157th rage filled text, turned her phone off and slipped it into her pocket, then grabbed her Peking duck and dug in. She had to admit that Samael had good taste in establishments.

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