Chapter 25

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The next morning, Chloe found herself vomiting into her toilet. She must have caught a stomach bug of some sort. Once her stomach contents were all in the toilet, she flushed it and washed out her mouth In the sink.

She was glad that the night prior had been one of the few nights that her and Lucifer had spent apart since getting together, so that he wouldn't see Chloe in all her vomity glory.

Chloe had been feeling a bit off lately, but this was the first time she's vomited since feeling sick. Chloe figured that it must be a stomach bug, but the symptoms did remind her of something...

Chloe frowned at the thought. She moved her hand slowly towards her abdomen, but dropped it half way with an eye roll. No, that was impossible. Lucifer had told her repeatedly that it was impossible. And the only reason Charlie had been born was because Amenadiel had been mortal when he was conceived. No, Chloe was just sick with something.

But she couldn't shake the suspicion that something wasn't right with her body. Something more than the flu.

"Yo, Decker!" Maze pounded on the bathroom door. "You still alive?"

Maze had spent the night after hanging out with Trixie and falling asleep on the couch during the movie.

"Yeah, Maze. I'm fine." Chloe answered through the door.

She heard the demon grunt.

"Your bathroom smells like this one Hell loop where this chick was literally throwing her guts up constantly. There were bodily fluids everywhere! Ahh, good times." Maze said wistfully.

Chloe struggled not to vomit again. "Not helping, Maze." Chloe pointed out irritably.

"Are you okay, Mommy?" Trixie asked worriedly beside Maze. She had heard her mother puking from behind the door.

"I'm fine, Monkey. Don't worry. Are you ready for school yet?" Chloe could hear Trixie's quick footsteps headed towards her room, answering her question with a no.

"Oh, and don't forget to pack your toothbrush and pjs for later!" Chloe called out, remembering the sleepover Trixie had scheduled with Willa that night.

Ordinary, Chloe wouldn't let Trixie have a sleepover during a week night, but Chloe had been so busy lately, and Trixie had been behaving so well, Chloe felt a bit guilty. She assured her daughter that this would be a one time thing. And it worked out for Willa's parents since it was their anniversary, and a sleepover would keep their daughter occupied.

Chloe left the bathroom to go help Trixie get ready for school.


Trixie walked through the hallway of her school towards her locker where Willa was already waiting for her. Willa gave Trixie her signature toothy smile and waved.

"Hey, Trix!" She greeted as Trixie walked up to her. "Hey, Willa."

Willa was wearing a zebra print tee shirt, and grey leggings. She had dark, freckled skin, golden-brown eyes, and big curly hair that bounced every time she walked.

"So," Willa leaned in conspiratorially and whispered. "Mission; Himalayan Cat is a go tonight?" Willa couldn't tell you how excited she was for this. She saw it as a grand adventure.

Trixie nodded. "Yup, and I even accomplished part one of the plan already," Trixie glanced around to make sure no one was looking before pulling out Maze's phone from her backpack. "We just need to get Lucifer's phone, and we're good to go."


Much later that day after Willa's parents had gone out and Xander had began playing his video games, never leaving his room till morning, the girls had snuck out and, using Chloe's Uber account, had arrived to Lux.

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