Chapter 24

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Irisia and Ryliel were currently sitting at a cramped table in a busy coffee house. It was dark outside, but that didn't seem to hinder business.

Irisia was reading over the records she had taken pictures of. It would be difficult for a human to read the tiny text, but angel eyes were much sharper.

"I think there's something here about self loathing, I wonder what that's about." Irisia commented.

Ryliel made a sour face while drinking his coffee. He then set his coffee back down. "This is bad as it is, and don't say that it's for the greater good. This is a huge invasion of privacy, and not to mention illegal. Hell, now that I think about it, I don't see how this even helps us."

"It helps us see all of the weak points in his relationship with Chloe. And then we can make an educated decision on how to go about things."Irisia said.

"Well, it still feels wrong. So unless you find something in there that can actually help us, I don't want to hear it." Ryliel concluded.

"Suit yourself." Irisia replied with a light shrug.

Ryliel gave an exaggerated sigh. "Just, whatever you do, don't let Michael get ahold of it. Who knows what kind of havoc he could cause with this knowledge." He said.

"I'm not stupid, Ryliel. Of course I won't." Irisia said with an eye roll. "I certainly hope not." Ryliel replied.

"Your also deleting those once we're finished." He decided.

"What exactly is going on between you and that chirpy human?" Irisia asked, changing the subject. She had been so busy text-screaming at him over revealing divinity to a mortal, that she hadn't even begun to grill him over his growing relationship with the forensic scientist.

"Ella? I'd imagine nothing now that she's seen you-know-what." Ryliel said sadly.

"You don't have a nice package or something?" Irisia asked. "What are you talking about?" Ryliel asked. Irisia glanced down towards his lap as an explanation. Ryliel glared at her once he realized what she was implying.

"I'm talking about my wings, Irisia. Get your head out of the gutter! Come on..."

Irisia chuckled. Her chuckles died down when she noticed Ryliel's hurt expression that he was failing to hide. He really liked that girl. Irisia sighed, turned her phone off and sat it on the table.

"Well, think of it this way. It's better to get hurt now when you only like her, rather than getting your heart broken later on when you're actually in love with her. Trust me, losing someone you love is not a sensation you want to endure."

Irisia's words did little to lift Ryliel's spirits, but he gave her a tight smile and nodded nonetheless. "I know, it just kinda sucks right now." He said.

Irisia gave him her own nod and sympathetic smile. "I know."

They were both silent for a moment, listening to the chaos of the coffee house.

"And besides," Irisia continued. "It couldn't have possibly worked out anyway. Once this whole prophecy business is over, we're going back home."

Irisia hadn't been expecting the heaviness she felt at those words. At the prospect of going back to the Silver City. When they had first arrived here, Irisia couldn't wait to go back. She couldn't stand Earth. She had dreaded another day here every morning she woke up. But now... she didn't know how to feel. Earth certainly wasn't what she had expected it to be. Or at the very least not all of it.

Ryliel shared very similar feelings. He didn't want to go back home. Where everything and everyone was always the same. Where he always followed the same routine. Where boredom found him so easily (before all of the prophecy business). Though most of his time here on Earth was spent stressing out over the prophecy, the few moments he took for himself were honestly amazing. Earth was a strange, exciting place. Where things constantly changed, for better or worse. Where true routine was rare. Where everyone was actually allowed to have opinions in most places. And then there was Ella...

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