Chapter 7

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Rox wasn't willing to say anything else after that until she got a chance to speak to her lawyer. They had all drove to the precinct, the women took Chloe's grey cruiser, while Lucifer took his black corvette. Chloe and Lucifer were currently sitting at the interrogation table with Rox on the other side. Irisia had insisted on being present, so she was standing in the corner.

Rox was constantly fidgeting. She was conflicted, admitting anything would definitely land her in jail, but if she didn't say anything, it was very possible that she would be the next victim. Rox sighed, she finally decided that she would rather live in jail and eventually get out, than die now a free woman.

"Okay, okay, I used to help Nina sell the drugs she stole from the hospital." Rox admitted. "But, I thought that it was her wanker boyfriend who sold the drugs." Lucifer stated.

"He did too, he sold all of it at first. But then Nina and I met. And I was able to sell the drugs for more money then that idiot A.J. We didn't tell him. She didn't want to hurt his feelings or something. He never noticed that she was giving him less drugs. Dumbass." Rox rolled her eyes. "But, then we started getting death threats from an anonymous person. Saying to stop selling drugs to his kid who's in college."

Chloe took notes on her pad. "So, you kept selling drugs to this guy's child, even after the threats?" Chloe asked. "Well, he didn't say who his son was. All he said was that his son was a young man in college, and that if we didn't stop selling the drugs, he would kill us." Rox said defensively. "More than half of our clients are college boys, so the only way to do as the guy said was if we stopped selling to the majority of our clients. We would have gone out of business!"

"Oh, what a shame that would have been." Chloe said sarcastically.

Rox ignored her. "Nina wanted to stop, but I said that we should keep going. The threats had stopped about a week ago..."

"Do you have any idea of who was threatening you?" The detective asked. Rox shook her head no. "Nope. No idea. I don't even know if he was a he. I'm just guessing that it was a guy. Sounded kind of like a guy. He kept leaving us notes ransom style." "We are gonna need those notes, if you still have them?" Rox nodded. "Yeah, in my apartment." "Okay, and we will also need a list of everyone you've sold to." Rox cringed, but took the pen and pad Chloe offered anyway. "Okay..."


They had found the notes. There were seventeen total, and all cliche ransom style like Rox had said. They all pretty much said the same thing, to stop selling drugs to this person's son, or they will kill Nina and Rox. Chloe went over the names Rox had written down, and found one that seemed interesting.

Leo Nickelson, a nineteen year old college student who had died from an overdose a week ago.

Right around the time the threats stopped. His mother had died three years ago from cancer. Which only left his father, Paul Nickelson. An ex cop who had retired when his wife got sick. Chloe had a feeling that this was their guy. It simply made too much sense not to be. They had a strong motive if they can prove it to be true. Most of what they had was speculation, and no hard evidence.

But, the detective and her devilish partner had solved cases with less to go on before.

Paul owned a cabin a little ways outside of the city that he was staying at, and since it was still fairly early and Chloe wanted to get the case closed as soon as possible, her and Lucifer had decided to go try and at least talk to the guy. Irisia had insisted on tagging along. Lucifer had tried to convince her otherwise, but the angel was stubborn. Another thing the siblings had in common, Chloe discovered.

They all took Chloe's grey cruiser, her behind the wheel, Lucifer in the passenger seat, and Irisia in the back.
The blue sky had gotten dark by the time they arrived there. A black pickup truck was in the driveway and the lights were on inside, so they could assume Paul was home. The trio got out of the car and made their way to the front door.

"Paul Nickelson, this is the LAPD, we're here to ask a few..." When Chloe knocked on the door, it opened wide. The door had been unlocked. Chloe took out her service weapon, and took a step inside. The angels simply followed. The interior of the cabin was very generic.

The walls were beige, and most of the furniture was a dark green plaid. Lucifer looked around in disgust. This literally could not be more different than his taste. "Well, if he isn't guilty for murder, he's still certainly guilty for bad taste."

An eye roll was Chloe's only response. They made their way around the living room, when Chloe spotted something in the fireplace. A heavy mallet that had specks of something that suspiciously looked like dried blood. Looks like they found their murder weapon. Then that was the moment they all heard a gun's safety click. They all simultaneously turned to see Paul Nickelson, a middle aged balding man with tanned skin and brown eyes, pointing a loaded rifle at them. Specifically at the detective.


Oh boy! Sorry about the cliffhanger, but I couldn't help myself!

Also, sorry that this chapter was shorter. I already have a lot written, and I just need to edit a few things and publish them.

I hope to see you in the next chapter!

Not Another Bloody Prophecy जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें