Chapter 11

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It was Monday when Dan finally went back to work. He felt better than he had in a while. He'd showered, worn clean clothes, freshly shaved, and had not drank a single drop of alcohol.

But, he was also filled with dread. He'd be going back to work with the devil. The more he thought about it, the more he considered the possibility that Lucifer wasn't all bad. But, he still couldn't help the fear he felt. When Dan walked in, he was almost instantly engulfed in a Ella-Lopez-hug. Today she was wearing one of her signature cute tee shirts, this one with a puppy on it, a red hoodie, and jeans.

"Dan! Where the heck have you been? You feeling better?" Dan patted her a couple times on the back before she let go. "I've been at home mostly. I'm feeling much better now."

"Awesome! A ton has happened while you were gone. We have a new Morningstar consultant!"

Dan knitted his eyebrows together, confused. "What?" Ella nodded excitedly. "Lucifer's sister, Irisia, is working here now!" Dan's eyes widened. Another angel?!

"She comes off as really tough and confident, but, I have a spidey sense that deep down, she's a big softy." Ella stated with a knowing look. As if on cue, a striking woman dressed in a tight short sleeved black dress, came up to Ella with some papers in hand.

"That blonde detective asked me to bring this to you. I'm simply baffled by the fact that I have somehow been reduced to an office assistant." Irisia said with obvious disdain. Ella chuckled at the apparent joke, which wasn't really a joke.

Dan immediately recognized her as the woman he spoke to and who'd helped him get home. At first glance Irisia didn't recognize the man, since he seemed much cleaner and sober, but after a second glance she remembered him to be the drunk.

"Speak of the devil," Ella began. Irisia rolled her eyes, she would correct her but, unlike Samael, she wasn't too keen to the idea of humans knowing her true nature.

"We were just talking about you. Irisia, this is Dan Espinoza. Dan, this is Irisia Morningstar." Irisia looked him up and down, trying to put him into a certain category in her mind. "We've met, though not officially." Irisia stated. Ella's brows went up in curiosity. "Oh, really? How did this happen?"
Ella asked, suggestively.

"Uhh, we met at the pharmacy. I was getting some flu medicine." Dan said hurriedly. He didn't want anyone knowing he's been in a bar during the majority of his time off.

Irisia didn't react to the lie. Remembering the shape he had been, she could easily understand his desire to keep it secret. "Oh? What were you getting at the pharmacy?" Ella asked Irisia. She didn't mean to sound nosy, it was just her talkative nature.

"Feminine products." Irisia answered simply. Irisia never had a need for most female essentials, since angels did not menstruate like human women. But during her time on earth, she had discovered that when she used the words 'feminine' and 'products' in the same sentence, all male humans would get intensely uncomfortable and instantly change the subject, and all female humans would give her a sympathetic and knowing look, and also change the subject.

Like she had expected, Ella gave her the knowing look and changed the subject. "Ahh, gotcha, Morningstar. Okay, I better get back to the case then." Ella concluded as she took the papers from the angel. "Everybody's glad to have you back, Dan!" Ella called over her shoulder as she left him alone with the angel.

Dan turned back to Irisia, instantly intimidated. Not only was she incredibly good looking, had a strong and confident demeanor, but she was a freaking ANGEL. An angel who Dan didn't know or has ever trusted. If Dan wasn't freaking out about coming back to work before, he was now.

Not Another Bloody Prophecy जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें