Chapter 20

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The next day, Linda was in her office sorting through paperwork. She still had a few minutes before her 3 o'clock appointment. Now that Charlie had gotten a little bigger, her and Amenadiel had decided that she should start getting back to work. Linda was only working part-time at first, and taking less sessions then she usually did. Just until Charlie is bigger.

Linda felt a heaviness deep in her chest when she gazed at the photo on her desk of her son. She loved her work, and enjoyed being out of the house, but she still missed her son desperately. Especially when she was apart from him for most of the day.

Linda was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door. She checked her watch, which said that it was five minutes before 3. She must have lost track of time thinking about Charlie.

"Come in." Linda called as she made her way to the chair closer to the coffee table. Linda was surprised to see Irisia, Amenadiel and Lucifer's sister, open the door.

"Irisia? What are you doing here?" Linda asked. "Obviously, I am here for our appointment." Irisia said with an eye roll.

Linda frowned. "But the appointment is for someone named Reley A. Celeste... Wait, never mind. I hear it now." Linda stated.

Irisia gritted her teeth and twisted her ring. Ryliel had set up the appointment and come up with the name. Apparently he hadn't felt like being subtle. He wasn't nearly as funny as he thought he was.

"Yes, no offense, but I'm not to keen to the idea of people knowing that I spoke to a therapist in a professional environment." Irisia stated. And it was true. She had nothing against people who went to therapy. In fact, she thought it was a good thing if they wished to better themselves. But Irisia hated the idea of going to therapy herself. Talking to Dan, someone who she begrudgingly had to admit was becoming a friend, had been hard enough. The less people who knew about this, the better.

She just needed to figure out where Linda kept the files, get Samael's, and get out.

Linda nodded. "I completely understand. A lot of my other patients do the same thing."

Irisia twisted her ring more when Linda had said other patients. Implying that Irisia was also a patient. Of course, where the doctor was concerned, she was. Irisia closed the door behind her, and stood beside it with her hands clasped. A bit unsure of what to do now. Irisia and Ryliel had figured out what they needed to do, but how exactly they would go about doing it was a whole other story.

"Would you like to sit?" Linda asked. Irisia, instead of verbally answering, sat down on the sofa, crossed her legs, and clasped her hands against on her lap. Awkward silence filled the room for several moments. Irisia glanced around the room, hoping to figure out where the records would be. But unfortunately, she couldn't be sure.

"Do you have something specific that you would like to talk about?" Linda asked. Irisia focused her attention back to the doctor. She twisted her ring. Irisia hadn't thought about this part. Which she really should have planned out. "I'm not quite sure..." Irisia said. Linda lightly tapped her pen against her pad.

"How about we start with what brought you here?" Linda tried. Linda wanted to try and metaphorically feel her out. Like she did with all her new patients. She didn't want to scare Irisia off, but she also wanted to get to know her. Figure out what made her tick. But with some people that was sometimes hard. Many times Linda had had people quit early on because they didn't like letting her in. But she couldn't do her job if they never allowed her or themselves to look deeper.

"A taxi brought me here." Irisia answered flatly.

"Metaphorically speaking. Why are you here?" Linda tried again.

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