Chapter 21

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Michael gritted his teeth irritably as he walked down the sidewalk. Everything in his life had become a mess.

First, his plan to break that detective's heart hadn't worked. Then, his plan to steal Lucifer's life had gone worse. And while he had been figuring something else out, Irisia and Ryliel suddenly show up. Which put a snag in anything else he had planned.

So he had decided to wait and watch things play out. At first he had been sure that those two would have some sort of celestial bomb to drop on his twin, but if they had, he didn't know what it was.

So currently, Lucifer was with his little human girlfriend, Don (or was it Dan?) seemed to be fine with Lucifer being the devil, Ryliel and Irisia seemed to be here for innocent reasons, and Michael didn't know what to do now.

He couldn't go home with his tail between his legs, letting everyone believe that Lucifer was better than him. That he'd won.

Michael couldn't allow that. Not after what Amenadiel had said.

"He always comes up winning"

Just the memory of that conversation left a bad taste in the angel's mouth. Lucifer wasn't better than him. Not in any shape or form. And Michael was going to prove it... Somehow.


Ryliel silently followed behind Michael, making sure to keep out of sight. Irisia was still on the phone, trying to find her way to them.

"Where is he now?" Irisia asked again. "Five feet away from where he was the last time you asked that question... six feet now." Ryliel sassed.

They were walking towards a less inhabited area. Ryliel still wasn't familiar with the vast city, so he couldn't be sure where they were. He must've missed the signs when he was keeping himself hidden from his brother.

"Don't be sarcastic right now!" Irisia hissed angrily into the phone. She had no patience at the moment.

Ryliel didn't respond, and just quietly followed Michael. Eventually, they made it to an apartment building that looked to be under construction. There weren't any people around, so Ryliel guessed that it was either abandoned or on pause. Michael made his way through the entrance of the building. Ryliel related this all back to Irisia. He stayed outside for a moment, hiding behind a machine that said 'bobcat' on the side.

Suddenly Ryliel heard a whoosh of air directly behind him and feet hitting the ground. Ryliel panicked and snatched a discarded plastic broom that was laying next to him on the ground. He wielded it threateningly above his head as he turned around. Irisia stood behind him, one arm tucked under her armpit, and the other held high, holding the phone. She raised a single unimpressed eyebrow.

"A broom? Really? When there is a perfectly good mallet sitting two feet away from you, you go for the broom?" She asked flatly.

Ryliel slowly lowered the broom in embarrassment, and glanced at the mallet, which he hadn't noticed till Irisia pointed it out. "Shut up." He muttered.

Irisia rolled her eyes with a smirk. Then she looked at the apartment building with a thoughtful expression. "Is he in there?" She asked. Ryliel nodded. "Yeah, I think so." Irisia nodded. "Alright, let's go get him." She concluded as she started towards the building.

"Wait!" Ryliel hissed as he grabbed her arm. "We need a plan first. What are we going to say to him?"

"Oh, I wasn't planning on saying anything. I'm going to simply let my knee talk to his crotch!" Irisia exclaimed angrily. But then she thought about her choice of words. "That wasn't supposed to sound sexual... But you get my point!"

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