Chapter 19

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Ella sat in a church on one of the pews in the back. There were a few other people scattered around the pews, praying, but not many. It was Saturday morning. And last night, Ella had gotten the shock of her life.

She kept trying to convince herself that the whole thing had been a super weird, cheesecake induced dream. But she knew that it wasn't. It hadn't been a dream. It was real. It was very real.

After Ella had seen Ryliel's wings, she ran. It hadn't been one of her proudest moments. Especially after he had protected her, but Ella was so freaked out, that she hadn't known what else to do. Ryliel hadn't followed her. Probably deciding that giving her space to process was the best option.

After she ran away, before going home, Ella had just wondered around for a bit. Though she'd gone to a better part of town first, after the whole mugging-and-almost-dying-but-instead-seeing-angel-wings-incident.

Ella was freaking out! How could she not?! It was all real. All of it.

Everything Lucifer had told her was real. Everything Maze had talked about demon-related was real. She had kissed a literal angel the night before. That was all real.

Her method actor theory was WAY off!

Of course, Ella had already believed in the Big Guy, the devil, heaven, hell, demons, angels, yada yada. She had already believed that all of that existed somewhere out there. But she had believed that all that stuff existed WAY out there, and not in her life. Some of her best friends. Her co-worker. Linda's baby-daddy.

O. . .M. . .G. . .

Do Linda and Chloe know?! Was baby Charlie even human?! Holy moly!

Should Ella tell them if they don't know? Would they believe her? Ella shook her head, trying to clear it. Which was almost impossible. Gosh, and here Ella had thought that talking to ghosts made her bonkers. Now, this was a whole other level of crazy.

Ella honestly didn't know how to handle this. She felt completely lost. Adrift. That's why she had come here the next morning after screaming into a pillow before passing out the night before.

She needed a talk with the Big Guy.

But, Ella didn't know what to say. What was she supposed to do? She was just Ella Lopez, a goofy forensic scientist from Detroit. How was she supposed to handle something crazy like this? Well, she handled being friends with a ghost for several years, but that was small potato's compared to this!

Tears stung Ella's eyes. She felt so small. Afraid. But, she didn't want to feel that way. These people, the angels and demons, were her friends. She shouldn't feel afraid. But at the same time, how could she not? How could she not feel a twinge of fear, knowing that she has been working side by side with the literal devil this whole time?

Ella still believed that Lucifer got a bad rep (we all do dumb stuff in our teens, Ella could tell you some wild stories about hers), probably more so than before, but it was still an unsettling thought. How much did she really know about her divine friends? How much was hidden behind rose-colored glasses?

Ella sighed. First, she dates a serial killer, and now an angel. Ella always attracted some weird guys. But, what else was new?

Ella gripped the cross hanging on her neck like a lifeline. Well, at least she now knew with certainty that the Big Guy was out there. But, was God even who Ella pictured him to be? Or was he something else entirely, like everyone else in her life. And if she couldn't even trust God, then who could she trust?

After the whole Pete disaster, these revaluations were definitely not helping with Ella's growing trust issues.

"Hey, Big Guy..." Ella whispered. "You probs already know why I'm here, but I just realized that I'm surrounded by your kids. Plus a demon." Ella gave a nervous laugh at the end of her sentence. These were things that she never thought she'd say.

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