Chapter 16

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Ryliel was currently rocking a fussy Charlie in his arms while Amenadiel was fixing coffee for the two of them. They were in Linda and Amenadiel's house. Linda was currently at work, so that left the two celestials and one half-celestial alone.

Ryliel had wanted to spend some time to get to know his nephew before he and Irisia went back home. And he was also hoping to get some books from Amenadiel that could possibly help stop the prophecy. Though he didn't tell his older brother the complete truth.

No matter how much he wanted to. Ryliel still didn't agree with Irisia's wanting to keep this between the two of them. He knew that it would help significantly if they had some fresh minds on the subject.

Because, quite frankly, they were just banging their heads against the wall at this point. The best plan they had that didn't involve murder was breaking the love birds up. But Ryliel knew that that wouldnt solve anything.

Like he'd said before, the prophecy was about the devil's true love, not his girlfriend. Ryliel had pretty much given up on finding Michael. It was useless. Michael was smart and slippery like that. If he didn't wish to be found, then he wouldn't be.

So, Ryliel had been reading anything he could find that might have some relevance to their current predicament. He'd been doing that, and maybe getting to know a certain forensic scientist.

They hadn't met in person again yet, but have been talking on the phone nearly every night for hours at a time. And sometimes texting throughout the day (Ryliel had bought a real phone that wasn't just a burner). Ryliel knew it was selfish. As soon as this whole ordeal was over, he would be leaving back home.

But, it just felt so good talking to her. Hearing her kind, bright voice. All the while picturing her lovely brown eyes, and what expressions her pretty face could be making at the moment while they talked. He just couldn't stop himself from wanting to hear more, even while knowing that it couldn't possibly end well.

She didn't even know about divinity! For dad's sake!

Ryliel had never tried drugs of any kind, and never had much taste for alcohol, but he'd always imagined that this was what it felt like to be addicted.

He wasn't quite sure how he felt about that. He'd never been with anyone romantically, in any shape or form, so he wasn't familiar with any of this. But, he had more important things to worry about. He could worry about Ella and his strange feelings regarding the human later, when she and the rest of humanity was safe from unfair damnation.

Amenadiel had come back with the coffee just as Charlie was falling asleep in his uncle's arms for his nap. Ryliel thanked him for the coffee, but asked him to place it on the table for now. Afraid that he might accidentally spill it on his nephew.

"So," Amenadiel said softly, trying to start conversation. "How are things back in the Silver City?"

It was a good thing that Ryliel had chosen to not drink, because he would've choked. Ryliel tried to school his expression. He wasn't as good at it as Irisia, but he wasn't bad either.

"Eh, same old, same old. You remember how it is." Ryliel dodged.

Amenadiel nodded in response. They both sat in awkward silence for several moments. The brothers had never truly been close, but their relationship had definitely broken after the rebellion. Ryliel and Irisia hadn't been explicitly shunned like Lucifer had been, but they had been treated differently, sometimes till today.

Or, before this whole prophecy crap blew up.

For years, Amenadiel had looked at Ryliel with disgust after he had defied their father. He had treated him like a traitor, and no longer like a little brother. It honestly still stung.

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